dismissal of the civil protection volunteer invested in A16


Ciro Campagna, the young civil protection volunteer, who was run over a few days ago on the highway, did not make it while he was busy putting out a fire on the highway.

The injuries sustained in the car accident in which he was involved were too serious. The young man was immediately hospitalized at the Riuniti Polyclinic in Foggia, where he was recently pronounced dead. For the young volunteer, the entire city was mobilized, wrapped in prayer and hope around him and his family. Ciro died at the age of 19.

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“Ciro Campagna is no longer with us,” said the mayor of Foggia, Franco Landella. “Despite his young age, he actively participated in a Civil Protection association that, together with other local associations, performs important functions in the area on a daily basis. He was a 19-year-old boy with many dreams to fulfill but a tragic fate will prevent him Continue your journey on this earth.
In honor of Ciro, tomorrow morning the funeral home will be installed in the council room of the Palazzo di Città “.
