“He was not referring to ordinance 38 of August 11”
CAGLIARI. On the opening of nightclubs in Sardinia in the period of August from the press office of the regional council comes a clarification.
“With reference to the document published by the newspaper Repubblica – it is written in the note – it is specified that it, issued on August 6, 2020, does not refer to ordinance 38 of August 11, 2020, but to a draft of regional guidelines for the nightclub sector, never adopted. Ordinance 38, in fact, assumed under conditions of an epidemiological curve close to zero, followed a different procedural procedure, which in any case provided more stringent requirements with respect to national guidelines and in accordance with the observations expressed by the regional technical-scientific committee . The same ordinance – it is still written in the note from the Solinas press office -, driven by an agenda approved by the entire Regional Council, remained in force from August 12 to 16 “.