Meteo and CORONAVIRUS: the LINK between CLIMATE and PANDEMIC discovered. This is WHAT YOU RISK in the NEXT FUTURE
Meteo and CORONAVIRUS: the LINK between CLIMATE and PANDEMIC discovered“As soon as HOT, CORONAVIRUS it will be just a MEMORY and then return to FALL“. Do you remember this phrase? He had encouraged us by projecting us towards a brighter future after a black and sad emergency shutdown! Doctors, journalists, scientists and “enthusiasts by COVID-19“They had condemned his summer death, sending
SARS-CoV-2 in PARTY. But this was not the case, on the contrary. Covid-19 has been among us, silent at times, but ready to go crazy like a time bomb. Just see Sardinia, Siciliana and even beyond national borders, Greece, Turkey, Spain. Ultimately, this is enough to make us think again about what our ears have heard and make us realize that the CORONAVIRUS
it is not a seasonal disease.
And therefore, the question is clear: what is the relationship between PANDEMIC me climate change or vice versa? Not is immediately easy understand what scientists have long argued, that is, how much phenomena are the result of a planet taken to the extreme of their capacities, the result of the progressive destruction of ecosystems and their ability to balance. However, as the coronavirus crisis prevails globally, the relationships and parallels that unite the two crises. First, science about change is predictive, are based on the knowledge of the phenomena and their possible evolution. A second aspect in common is that both I climate change than a pandemic like the one in progress are capable of causing huge economic and social effects and global, capable of disrupting the current world, regional and local order.
The third aspect refers to thedue to lack of preparation skills and in fact it records both a similarity and a difference between the two crises. The similarity is the fact that, despite the immense risks, very little has been done to date, on the one hand, to suppress the causes of climate change. Therefore, the difference is that climate change is ongoing and safe, while the outbreak of a pandemic virus such as Covid-19 had a certain probability of happening, but it was impossible to predict on when and how. A bit like what happened with the Spagnola too. There are also differences that appear to be such at first glance, but do not stand up to a closer analysis. For example, some might say that climate change is a slow process, while a pandemic runs very fast. Do you remember the summer of 2003 in Europe or the summer of 2010 in Russia? In 2003, in just one month, between July and August, 35,000 people died from heat waves.
Perhaps the most obvious difference is that the response of governments to the advance of the coronavirus has in most cases been quite swift and decisive. However, it must be said that these are preliminary hypotheses for which there are no forecasting models. Not only that: we have talked several times about how scholars add another factor, no less important, namely air quality at the various “bud” locations.
Where the spread of the virus is more present, there are also important values of smog and dust: let’s think of the metropolis of Wuhan, in China, where pollution has been particularly high, as well as in
Lombardy, where, in recent months, the PM10 has repeatedly exceeded 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air.
A recent article in the Washington Post titled how “bad air” could contribute to worsening the effects of the coronavirus, as could, for example, smoke or any other pollutant originated by combustion, citing the opinion of several experts from the University of California . for example, SARS, which broke out in China in 2003, which was most damaging and deadly in regions with poorer air quality. The reason is in the lungs: powder pollutants they accumulate in so-called dust cells, which, consequently, can no longer perform their function in the best possible way, especially in the presence of diseases or infections.
What then awaits us for the FUTURE? It is obvious that it will not be the last PANDEMIC we will experience. Perhaps, a the new VIRUS could arrive in 10-20-50 years. There are no certainties about it. It is the history that teaches. And it was precisely the history of the last millennium that led the way, but we probably could not follow it.