of Monica Campani
The carabinieri of the San Giovanni company intervene in the matter

He was discovered illegally growing cannabis plants on the premises of his home in Bucine.. For this reason, the police officers of the San Giovanni company denounced a 47-year-old in a state of freedom.
The intervention of the carabinieri was the epilogue of a series of investigations of the soldiers of Bucine and Levane, assisted by companions of Cavriglia. The stalking and night observation services, in fact, made it possible to identify the different places where the cannabis plants were found, already mature, with a robust stem and already developed inflorescences, more than two meters high. Subsequently, the man who had the availability of the land was identified and the intervention of the carabinieri was triggered.
In total, 11 large plants were found in an advanced stage of maturity. For the man, the complaint was triggered in a state of freedom, due to the illicit cultivation of a narcotic substance. The plants have been uprooted and seized and will be subjected to the required chemical analysis, from which the intensity of the active principle can be determined and, consequently, the number of doses that could have been illegally marketed.