Disabled person raped in Enna, health worker arrested – Chronicle


Enna, the arrest of the 39-year-old girl for violence against a disabled woman in Oasi Troina (Ansa)
Enna, the arrest of the 39-year-old girl for violence against a disabled woman in Oasi Troina (Ansa)

Enna, October 8, 2020 – DNA testing The nail the health worker Dell ‘Troina Oasis, to Enna, resosi protagonist of sexual violence against a disabled woman suffering from very serious pathologies related to a genetic disease, she later became pregnant. LA, 39, was arrested overnight. The arrest was ordered by Enna’s deputy prosecutors, Stefania Leonte and Orazio Longo, at the end of the long interrogation in which the operator confessed.

Enna’s police investigation began after the complaint the lawyer for the young woman’s family. No one at the Troina Oasis would have noticed the young woman’s pregnancy. According to the reconstruction provided by the family to the mobile team led by Nino Ciavola, the staff reportedly informed the family of their daughter’s pregnancy when she was in her 25th week of gestation. Hence the denunciation of last September 11 and the activation by the police of the investigation of the red code.

Audiences and dozens of retreats Saliva samples were taken to obtain DNA from personnel working or entering the facility, he stated ‘Red zone ‘ after the contagion of Covid-19 of 162 between operators and hospitalized. Yesterday morning, the social health worker, employed at the Troina facility for two years, was summoned. The man, married with two children and without precedent, immediately seemed particularly nervous and confused. The investigations show that he was authorized to access the Oasis, at that time, due to lack of personnel as a health social worker in the department where all the patients who tested positive for Covid had been transferred. During one of the many nights on loan at the facility, taking advantage of the nurse’s temporary absence, the operator allegedly raped the young woman he had known for years.
