About him Coronavirus In recent months a lot has been said: many have spoken about its origins, some support the zoonosis thesis (infection transmitted from animals to humans) that brings up bats and pangolins, others affirm instead that the pathogen is the result of the manipulation took place in the laboratory.
The issue was also addressed by father Livio Fanzaga, Director of Radio Maria, who made some shocking statements in his November 11 speech. “I’ll tell you what I think: this epidemic is a project to hit the West”said the clergyman, before adding to the dose.“I have always attributed it to the devil, who acts through men and therefore criminal minds, who have achieved it with a very specific purpose: to create an abrupt transition to carry out a kind of medical coup.”
The Coronavirus, therefore, would have an origin artificial. And those who “released” it would be moved by dire intentions. Words, those of Father Fanzaga, enough to immediately trigger the worst conspiracy accusations by some. Yet throughout your spine “Christian reading of the chronicle and history”, the priest fearlessly expresses his opinion: “I see a humanity in disorder, which gives the impression of the Tower of Babel, with fallacious projects, with crazy slogans. ‘Boat without a helmsman in the storm’, Dante would say. A humanity without God is a “Humanity at the mercy of the devil. I see this, a humanity in disarray with an uncertain future. To fill this void they offer us a ridiculous salvation, by the billions, and the vaccine will save everyone”explains Father Fanzaga. “On a religious level it has been said that the epidemic does not come from God, and I agree, but from the human point of view they did not want to delve into where this epidemic comes from. Now the narrative is that it comes from the Wuhan market, something that Nobody believes anymore. The Wuhan laboratory is in the crosshairs, but I do not rule out that China has wanted to test a biological weapon. This is still a hypothesis. In the meantime, I have broadened my horizons a bit. I tell you what I think, throw it out, maybe once correct me: my basic idea is that this Coronavirus epidemic is a draft, it is not accidental. It does not come from animals and it did not leave the Wuhan lab by accident. For me, the epidemic is a project. It has developed and has mainly affected the West. I used to think it was China, now I’m starting to think it’s not just China. I found out that this epidemic was anticipated, 4 or 5 years ago “continues the clergyman, also bringing up Gates. “A simulation of this epidemic had been done before we knew it. He had imagined an epidemic that started in Brazil and affected the whole world: this was a simulation made by Gates Foundation. I say familiar things. The epidemic then came exactly as it had been simulated. “
So the Coronavirus, according to Father Fanzaga, would be a project. A project that he attributes to the devil.“The devil works through men”, explains the director of Radio Maria. “Criminal minds have implemented this project. The goal was to create a sudden transition, after all the ideological preparation (we have already seen how the media obeys a very specific power). All the conditions existed to create a health coup. A project designed to weaken humanity, bring it to its knees and then establish a health and cyber dictatorship. Create a new world. It is a criminal project carried out by the elite World Cup “, still attacks Father Fanzaga, “Building a new world without God. It is a fundamental step, that of bringing humanity to its knees, stripping it of everything, without work or economic resources, at the mercy of power. And then eliminate all those who do not defend this game, to to achieve this the new World which is the world of Satan, where we will all be zombies. This project is in a rush to make it happen, in my opinion they would like it to happen in 2021. “
A shocking message, that of Father Livio Fanzaga, which also echoes the letter that the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò addressed to Donald Trump just before the US elections. Letter in which the prelate referred to a struggle between good and evil, and to a global plan called the Great Reboot.