
The french president Emmanuel macron Tonight a curfew will be announced on live television in all cities in a state of maximum health alert, including Paris: this was reported by Bfm TV, citing consistent sources. The curfew, according to the same sources cited by TV, should begin at 21. Macron should not pronounce the term curfew, but will speak of “night detention” (which should last from 9 at night to 6 in the morning), and then reestablish the state of health emergency. Britain almost 20 thousand new infections. Today’s bulletin records 19,724 positive cases, the highest number in history (excluding the day the number was artificially inflated by earlier tests not recorded by mistake). The new positives are almost 2,500 more than yesterday (17,234) with a jump of 14%. There are 137 new deaths, up from 143 yesterday. According to official data, the total number of deaths thus amounts to 43,155.
COVID-19, in Germany it’s still boom contagion, with more than 5,000 cases in 24 hours: this is the first time since April. In fact, for the first time since April, more than 5,000 new cases of contagion of Coronavirus in 24 hours. The figures released by the Robert Koch Institute this morning speak of 5,132 new infections, more than a thousand more than yesterday’s 4,122. Meanwhile, in Catalonia it was decided to close all bars and restaurants for 15 days in an attempt to stop the new wave. A decree that restores the state of health emergency in France was adopted this morning by the Council of Ministers, as has been learned from Bfm TV.
Negative record
The previous negative record compared to April dates back to Saturday, when new positives were 4,721. Since the start of the pandemic, the total number of cases has been 334,585 in the country, with 9,677 deaths from Covid-19, 43 of which in the last 24 hours.
Dpcm, the 6 guest limit is split: here are the new rules for “sanitizing” parties
New Dpcm, full text of October 13, 2020: all measures, from dinners to sports and clubs
Crowded buses and subways, the government: staggered schedules for schools and offices
In the fight against the coronavirus there is what experts call “system failure”: stations, buses, subways, commuter trains full of passengers. Without the required spacing. And this despite the requirement, reaffirmed by the new Dpcm, of a capacity not exceeding 80%.
North Ireland
Schools in Northern Ireland will be closed again from next Monday at least until November 2 and other restrictions will be imposed in pubs and restaurants starting this Friday to contain the coronavirus epidemic, Prime Minister Arlene Foster announced. The restaurant business will only be able to operate in takeout food for the next four weeks. Limits on non-essential travel will also be introduced.
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has decided to close schools, university campuses, bars and clubs for three weeks in an attempt to stem the increase in coronavirus cases. The BBC reports. Since March 1, there have been more than 1,600 deaths in the country from Covid-19 and today 8,000 new infections have been announced, a record number that had occurred only once since the start of the pandemic. According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the Czech Republic has experienced the highest rate of infections in Europe in the last two weeks.
New record of infections also in Romania, which is confirmed as the Balkan country most affected by the pandemic. According to local health officials, in the last 24 hours new cases of coronavirus have resulted in 4,016, for a total of 164,477. Since yesterday there have been another 68 deaths linked to covid-19, raising the number of victims since the beginning of the epidemic to 5,535. There are 9,439 hospitalized patients to date, of which 686 are in intensive care. The authorities are aimed at imposing new restrictions to curb the new and strong increase in infections.
UN agencies: devastating impact of a pandemic
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is “devastating” economically and socially: it is estimated that currently 690 million people are undernourished and that by the end of the year they could increase by another 132 million. Furthermore, almost half of the world’s 3.3 billion workers are at risk of losing their livelihoods. Four UN agencies – ILO, FAO, IFAD and WHO – say so in a joint statement. The most vulnerable are those who work in the informal economy because, lacking social protection and access to quality health care, they have now lost the possibility of accessing productive tools. The entire food system is suffering serious damage from the pandemic: border closures, trade restrictions and confinement have prevented farmers from accessing markets to buy what they need and sell their products, destroying the supply chain. food nationally and internationally, and reducing the possibility of having a healthy, safe and varied diet. Jobs are also decimated.
Last updated: 19:43