1 minute, 56 seconds
SNOW ON THE NORTHERN PLAINS. The expected intense disturbance has reached the northwestern regions since yesterday afternoon and at night has spread to the rest of northern Italy, finding itself flowing over a pillow of cold air that allows snowfall in most of the Po Valley. A few centimeters in Turin, but the snowfall is more intense in lower Piedmont and in the east, with approx. 10cm on the ground in Cuneo and Vercelli. It snows in Lombardy in Milan, Bergamo, Brescia with about ten centimeters above the Lombard capital, 20cm to Bergamo. It snows in Veneto in Verona, Treviso and even in Venice, as well as in Friuli Vg with the flakes that have reached Pordenone and Udine.
SNOW MOUNTAINS IN LIGURIA. The interior of Liguria is very exposed to this type of circulation, with the dark Tramontana that causes blizzards in the interior of Savona and Genoa, storms on the coast and flakes that sometimes extend along the coast of Savona, reaching towards the west also Finale, Pietrese and Ingauno.
SNOW AND GELICIDE IN WESTERN EMILIA. The disturbance also involves Emilia with heavy rains that in the western areas are snowed down to the plains. Under the snow of Piacenza and Parma, where the temperatures stay around zero degrees, while they rise towards the east with rains in Bologna. Mixed snow a freezing instead beyond Parma, where the column of air above it has warmed beyond zero.
NEXT FORECAST HOURS. The phenomena will continue in the morning in the north with snow up to the plains of Piedmont, Lombardy, Western Emilia, Upper Veneto, part of Friuli VG and the interior of Liguria with flakes sometimes up to the coast between Savona and Genoa, but with the passing of the hours will begin to dim so much that during the day the first brilliant spells are expected in Piedmont and Ponente Ligure ed at dusk the phenomena will also be exhausted in the rest of northern Italy, except waste in Friuli and Alto Veneto, snowy from 200 m. Some snowfall will persist into the evening in the western Alps on the border with France. The formation of fog banks scattered across the Po Valley should be noticed at night. For all the details go to the section Weather Italy.