DIRECT ACT OF TRUST ITALY TO MADONNA / Video: finished sentence



The prayer of theAct of entrustment of Italy to Our Lady staged in the in the Caravaggio Sanctuary. The meditations were extracted from the words with which Pope Francisco spoke about the Virgin, the Holy Rosary was recited and the atmosphere was great concentration, a moment of consolation in the Faith in a phase of great difficulty for all of Italy. a Act of dependence The Virgin of this afternoon is particularly significant, because the First may at the beginning of what is the Marian month, very important to him Christianity: For this reason, the performance was deeply felt and followed and the date was chosen by the CEI for the performance extraordinary of the rosary with i bishops Italians have decided to entrust Italy to the protection of the Mother of God (adj. by Fabio Belli)


Everything is ready forAct of entrustment of Italy to Our Lady which will start in a few minutes in the Caravaggio Sanctuary. In this way


L ‘Act of entrustment of Italy to Our Lady a Caravaggio Sanctuary began with the illumination of the lamp, the symbol of Mary “shining star that shines on our way” and with the special prayer for the entrustment of Italy to the Mother of God. The recitation of the Holy rosaryAs it is Friday today, we are naturally dealing with the painful mysteries, those that trace the events of the Passion of Jesus.


In the first of them Jesus’ agony in GethsemaneAccompanied by the Gospel passage and a meditation by Pope Francis, the faithful connected by the Italian costume on television and the transmission were invited to pray for the sick and dying, for the doctors, nurses, and health workers who care for them and for those who feel lost and suffer loneliness and any form of uncertainty. The second painful mystery is the flogging of Jesus: In this case, the prayer was particularly for children, adolescents and young people and for their parents and grandparents. Then we come to the third mystery, thecrowning with thorns, an opportunity to pray for the earth and for all of us because we care for creation and creatures. (Update by Mauro Mantegazza)


Everything is ready forAct of entrustment of Italy to Our Lady which will start in a few minutes in the Caravaggio Sanctuary. In this way the Italian church he wants to trust Maria the sick, doctors and all health workers, families and the deceased.. Accepting the request of many faithful, the first day of the Marian month is a propitious occasion for a moment of prayer for entrust the Italian nation to the protection of the Virgin, as a sign of salvation and hope, in the Sanctuary of Santa María del Fonte in Caravaggio. The cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, president of the CEI, stressed that “the shepherds have the task of leading their flock, but it is often the flock that pushes the shepherds, as happened in this case”, with many requests from the faithful to trust, in this pandemic time, the entire nation at Immaculate Heart of Mary.

On the day dedicated to Saint Joseph the worker, prayer will also increase due to the many difficulties of those who risk paying the price of the Coronavirus pandemic in labor and economic terms. The Church, therefore, entrusts the Virgin worries and fears with which many people look to the future. In the month traditionally marked by Prayer of the rosary And from pilgrimages to Marian shrines, Christians in Italy, therefore, trust the heavenly Mother to look with renewed hope at the difficult challenges that lie ahead. (Update by Mauro Mantegazza)


We have seen that theAct of entrustment of Italy to Our Lady will take place tonight in Caravaggio, symbolically perfect place because in the province of Bergamo and in the diocese of Cremona, therefore, in the heart of the areas most affected by the coronavirus. the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Fonte It is a place much loved by the faithful Lombards and May is a particularly special month in Caravaggio: it is dedicated to the Virgin of the Catholic Church everywhere, but the history of this shrine was born on May 26, 1432, day of the apparition from the Madonna to a woman named Giannetta in a meadow near the town of Caravaggio. After the woman reported what she had seen, the first woman who started visiting that place found a source never seen before. In the place of the appearance of the Virgin, a church was built in the 16th century and then the Sanctuary of Santa María del Fonte di Caravaggio, which is located in a large square surrounded by symmetrical porticos. Outside the Basilica there is a fountain from which you can draw water, the place where Giannetta heard the Virgin and the water gushed out of the ground.

Let’s remember some words of Saint John Paul II, delivered on June 19, 1992 on the occasion of the visit of the pope to the sanctuary of Caravaggio: “Caravaggio’s name is uniquely linked to the Shrine, whose history is solemn proof of how God uses Mary, the Virgin and the Mother to communicate his words of comfort to men, and chooses non-famous people. and educated, but the most humble and simple. To Giovannetta, a young bride intending to gather grass in the Mazzolengo meadow, Maria appeared as a “royal and gentle lady”. It was May 26, 1432. From that day on, the Shrine of ‘Our Lady of the Sacred Source’ entered the heart of the Lombards. “(Update by Mauro Mantegazza)


L ‘Act of entrustment of Italy to Our Lady will take place as stated in the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Fonte for Caravaggioin Diocese of Cremona and the province of Bergamo., therefore, in the heart of the areas most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, Vatican News interviewed Monsignor Antonio Napolioni, Bishop of Cremona, who will lead the prayer proposed by the CEI tonight. Napolioni hopes that this May 1 will be “one gateway to a journey of faith. This May 1 coincides, for the Italian communities, with a gradual recovery of work activities. It is also the feast of Saint Joseph, the worker, and therefore we entrust Mary and the entire Holy Family. the need for concrete recovery of a fruitful social and ecclesial life “.

The bishop also illustrated the reasons that led to the election of Caravaggio as the place of the Act of Trust to Our Lady of Italy: “The choice of place was made by the president of the CEI who thought of Lombardy, a pandemic tested land. The Caravaggio sanctuary is the spiritual heart of the region, where the Episcopal Conference meets regularly. Here pilgrims converge from parishes not only in Lombardy. And it is a very beautiful landmark. So we are grateful for this choice. ” (Update by Mauro Mantegazza)


today May 1, 2020 the CEI has chosen a strong place for the extraordinary Act of entrustment of Italy to Our Lady with the beginning of the Marian month par excellence: the Italian bishops have decided to entrust everything Country bothered by the coronavirus to protect the Mother of God and to do this we entrust to the custody a prayer and different meditations Live TV and video streaming from the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Fonte in Caravaggio. The splendid basilica located in the Diocese of Cremona and in the province of Bergamo It is in the exact territorial arc most affected by Covid-19, with an impressive number of victims that has driven thousands of families to despair in the last three months: choose this place, with an important historical-religious value and an equally important role. enormous “symbolic” in the area where it is located, represents the strong will of the entire Italian Church to entrust to the humility of Our Lady the destiny of an entire country marked by the pandemic.

From this place that embodies the suffering and pain experienced in a land severely tested by the emergency, the Church entrusts the sick, the health workers and doctors, families, the deceased to the Virgin and prays for the workers, placed on trial tough emergency“Write the Cei on the long cover note of the whole spiritual gesture. Friday May 1, without doing it on purpose, with the meditations of the passion of Christ in rosary beads which will be contemplated this afternoon in the Custody Law (9 p.m. with live TV2000, Chiesa TV, Radio Mater and broadcast on the Portal of the Diocese of Milan): another way of expressing all the pain for what happened and at the same time the light of I hope that the resurrection of Jesus He is already shooting in the Passion.


the meditations chosen by the CEI for the Italian Custody Law to the Virgin are taken from the words with which Pope Francis on several occasions during his pontificate (and also in the last weeks of prayers and celebrations for the victims of the coronavirus) spoke of Mother of God, entrusting to her the afflicted people: I pray to Mary but on the day of her Boyfriend, San josé worker whose solemn memory is celebrated today May 1. A prayer, therefore, to the victims of the coronavirus, but also to all those workers who look with so much concern at the present and the future of their own activities distorted by the closings and prohibitions of the pandemic: «Shepherds have the task of leading their flock, the Christian people, but it is often Christians who push pastors, as in this case “reiterated the President of the CEI, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti in the message sent to the entire Italian Church on this particular day of celebration by the Shrine of Caravaggio.


I have received more than three hundred letters full of love and devotion to the Virgin Mary in whom», Card. Bassetti, «He wondered why not dedicate our nation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the people who suffer from this epidemic, all those who work in hospitals and who must take care of their neighbor.»: And then, choosing a place as symbolic as Caravaggio to trust the whole nation with tonight’s meditation and rosary in the wonderful basilica of Santa Maria del Fonte. After the very strong controversy between the CEI and the government for not resuming daily and Sunday celebrations, Bassetti looks to the immediate past and what God’s people suffered the loss of many priests. and religious only by Covid-19: «these doctors, nurses, these priests, these nuns, the pope called them angels and saints next door. What made me regret is that everyone left anonymously, without the possibility of a funeral because the funeral is so edifying, not so much for those who have died, you can always pray and celebrate for it, but for the Christian community. . The Christian community needs to reflect on these examples, it must accompany their dead, especially those who have been more generous and have given more.».

