Dinners, curfew, trips and lunch at the restaurant: the draft of the Dpcm


Once the decree law that extends the duration of the Dpcm 50 days and definitively regulates the movements, the government has sent the draft decree to the Regions (Click here to read the pdf document) to be signed at night. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte (who should speak live tonight at 20:20) is thus preparing to announce what will be the novelties that will characterize the upcoming end of the year holidays, confirming some prohibitions and introduce more rules to avoid a third wave in January. Here are all the news contained in the draft prepared by the Giallorossi executive. The provisions will apply as of December 4 and will remain in effect until January 15.

New Dpcm: what changes

A novelty concerns the curfew, which will run until 7 a.m. on New Year’s Eve. Displacements will only be allowed for work reasons, health, urgent needs, to carry out activities and use non-suspended services. The strong recommendation continues to be to limit departures, avoiding moving in public or private means of transport unless strictly necessary.

From December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021 throughout the national territory “everything is forbidden change Entry and exit between territories of different Regions or autonomous provinces.“Also on December 25 and 26 it will not be allowed to leave one’s own Common, except for proven work or health needs or situations of need. At the moment there are no exceptions for the family members as instead it had been hypothesized in recent days by some members of the majority. However, it is permitted to return to one’s residence, domicile or home. “excluding transfers to the second case located in another Region or Autonomous Province“.

The bars and restaurants will be open for lunch on December 25, 26, New Year’s Eve and January 6, 2021. Consumption at table A maximum of 4 people per table is allowed, unless you live together. From 6:00 pm the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited. Catering in hotels and other accommodation facilities remains free and is limited to your hosted customers. But in the hotel we must forget about the classic Dinner New Year’s Eve: from 6:00 p.m. on December 31 to 7:00 a.m. on January 1, 2021, catering in hotels and other accommodations is only allowed with room service.

Until January 6 i shops Retail stores can remain open until 9:00 p.m. On holidays and before holidays, commercial establishments within the markets and centers commercial, shopping arcades, shopping parks, business combinations and other similar structures. Pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers, food outlets, agricultural and horticultural products, tobacconists and kiosks are excluded from the restriction.

the installations ski resorts they will be closed during the Christmas holidays and will reopen on January 7 “to amateur skiers only subject to the adoption of specific guidelines by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces and validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee, aimed at avoiding crowds of people and, in general, meetings“. There is authorization for professional and non-professional athletes, recognized of national interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Italian Paralympic Committee and / or their respective federations.”to allow preparation intended to perform competitions national and international sports or the realization of said competitions“.

As of January 7, students will return to school conduct classroom lessons: after the Epiphany, schools must guarantee 50% of the student population the didactic activity in presence. Lessons in the classroom are always possible “Maintain an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs.“. In the next Dpcm will come the ok for the exams of thecollege Face-to-face: the approval refers only to the training activities of the courses corresponding to the first year of the study courses, or aimed at classes with a reduced number of students, those in laboratories, other curricular activities, even if they are not related to first-year courses. such as exams, tests and graduation sessions.

From December 21 to January 6 “the services of cruise by Italian flag passenger ships“During the same period, foreign-flagged passenger ships engaged in cruise services are prohibited.”to enter Italian ports, also in order to park“.

Stop by the exhibitions and public opening services of museums and other institutes and places of culture. Open in place libraries where related services are offered by reservation and files, “without prejudice to compliance with the containment measures of the epidemiological emergency“. Temporary suspension of tests to verify skills and behavior to achieve the Driver licenses of category B, B96 and BE.
