It will not be like in March and April, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who spoke yesterday in the Chamber and the Senate to illustrate the content of the Dpcm that must be approved in the afternoon.
No general blockade, but an Italy divided into three bands with so many risk scenarios that increasingly restrictive measures are envisaged. An ordinance of the Ministry of Health will establish in which risk range the Region is located, and depending on whether it is green, orange or red zone, restrictions or loosening will be triggered automatically. Even restrictions on travel between regions, the prime minister specified, will only affect those at high risk.
The 21 monitoring parameters of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità will determine in which band each Region will be inserted. Among these: the contagion index, the number of cases in relation to the population, the percentage of positives in tampons, the saturation rate of hospitals and intensive care units, the number of new outbreaks.
Sardinia should be included in the moderate risk green belt. Definitely not in the red. The contagion rate is the second lowest in Italy (1.12), only worse than that of Basilicata. The percentage of positives to the cases tested is also low, yesterday at 12.1% with an Italian percentage that exceeded 25%. Only Calabria and Basilicata did worse.
The regions that are at risk of blockage: two above all, Lombardy and Piedmont, which have an Rt index higher than 2. The contagion index in Calabria is also high, but the Region seems to be in better shape from other points of view. Campania is also at risk due to the high number of cases. Valle d’Aosta and Umbria by the number of positives in relation to the population and by the very high percentage of positives and smears.
COMMON RULES – The regulations in force for the entire country are: shopping center closings on holidays and days before holidays, with the exception of essential activities in the interior (pharmacies, parapharmacies, food, tobacconists and kiosks); the closure of the “corners” used for betting and gaming activities wherever they are located, thus stopping at the slot machines in bars and tobacconists; the closure of all museums and exhibitions; the reduction of the filling capacity of buses and subways of local public transport with the capacity going from 80% to 50%.
100% distance learning is also envisaged for secondary school, travel limits to and from High Risk Regions and night curfew. On this last point, the Prime Minister has not officially announced at what time the travel ban will be activated, but the hypothesis that arose is that it begins at 9:00 p.m.
“It seems to me that what Conte illustrated perfectly follows the ordinance we had in mind, regarding the restrictive parts,” says regional health advisor Mario Nieddu, “and those are the solutions that President Solinas and I have repeated. presented at the different State-Region meetings. “The differences between the territories are also good:” It is obvious that we cannot think of generalized measures when the evolution of the epidemic in the country is so varied. ”
(Unioneonline / L)
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