“Did you notice that the Cav touched the bullets?” – Free diary


Silvio Berlusconi positive for coronavirus. And in many, starting with Republic, have more or less covertly advanced the suspicion that the infection could have arisen from the encounter in Sardinia, in Villa Certosa, with Flavio briatore. Meeting that dates back to August 12, in short, times do not add up: the incubation of Covid-19 lasts a maximum of 14 days and the positivity of the leader of Forza Italia emerged yesterday, Wednesday, September 2. And also Savage Lucarelli, on Twitter, bring that meeting. But he does it with irony: despite the crusade he is fighting against Mr. Billionaire, in fact, he does not accuse him of anything. In fact, it is spent on a wish to Cav: “Congratulations Silvione!”, He writes. But where is the irony? He soon said: in the posted video, Selvaggia points out how Berlusconi “had touched the balesAfter Briatore stressed that he saw him “in very good shape.” Obviously, Cav had not made the request: it is a “natural” movement, which nevertheless offers the assist for the serve to Selvaggia.

He says he has Covid, but in my opinion ... Selvaggia Lucarelli, the provocation behind Berlusconi's positivity
