did you miss the new year? The turn in Mediaset – Libero Quotidiano


Mediaset has entrusted the New Year of Canale 5 to Big Brother Vip, with Alfonso Signorini that will be broadcast with a very special episode. Initially the last night of the year was supposed to be Federica Panicucci, but for budget reasons and especially due to the coronavirus emergency, the company Silvio Berlusconi Pier has decided to do the opposite. Panicucci, however, can console himself with a royal twist: will return to the air on Friday, January 1 with a special of Tomorrow 5 which will start at 8.40. Beside him will obviously be Francesco Vecchi, with whom Panicucci is getting excellent audience results, despite fierce competition from Rai1 with One morning me Italian stories. The transmission of Canale 5 should have restarted on Monday, January 4, but Mediaset has decided to anticipate everything: Tomorrow 5 he will go deep until 13, when he will then give the line to Rg5.
