ROME – The sting of the sports judge has arrived, the Rome lose the point conquered a Verona and after the first day of the championship it is placed penultimate in the classification. Everything is born of the incredible error on the state of Amadou Diawara. Last year’s player was a Below 22: This summer the midfielder turned 23, but the Giallorossi managers they didn’t move it to “Over” on the official list of 25 Roma players loaned to Lega. So here came the sentence of the judge sports: defeat at the table by 3 to 0 and, consequently, removed the point won at the Bentegodi.
Diawara case, Verona-Roma 3-0: defeat at the table
Rome, the appeal begins immediately
The Rome It has already been activated through the lawyer Antonio Conte to understand if there are grounds to change the disqualification for a plus. The Giallorossi club would have had one week Starting today to appeal to the League, but communication has already reached Via Allegri.
Secretary Longo resigns

Diawara case, Verona-Roma 3-0 on the table
Rome, Rome’s thesis to avoid defeat at the table
Rome will defend itself by emphasizing that there was no attempted fraud, as in the list of 25 players to be delivered to the league, quattro Over slot they were still available: therefore not an attempt to circumvent regulation, but an oversight and compilation error that could in no way affect the outcome of the field.
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