Buffon 7– Two saves, one for time, one of which at 0-0 to show how he’s still No. 1 despite his age. Always present when called upon, leads the defense with personality.
Danilo 6.5: right back but also three-way central defender. It is the most used by Pirlo because the Brazilian is a kind of Swiss army knife, good for any occasion. Even today it is solid proof.
Bonucci 6: A couple of mistakes that can cost a lot, one even at 0-0 when he loses the ball attacked by Cornelius. He touches the goal, his shots are excellent but you have to be more careful.
(Dal 75 ‘Square 6: enters after the result and is cheerful).
By Ligt 6.5: very good performance of the Dutchman now fixed point of the rear of Juventus. He takes them all and gives a lot of confidence to the whole team.
Alex Sandro 6.5: the Brazilian runs at full speed on the wing and in attack borders on the devastating. In defense, however, it also leaves some space.
Kulusevski 7: the return of the Swede. On the friendly field of the tardini who saw him explode in Serie A, the Scandinavian finds desire and motivation and opens the scoring with a great left foot. Play across the board.
McKennie 7: Still an excellent performance for the American. A top game for the midfielder that is useful both in attack and coverage. It has become irreplaceable.
(From 75 ‘Portanova 6: time to touch the goal with a great shot rejected by Sepe).
Bentancur 7– Direct operations in the midfield with a clear and clear direction, always illuminating.
Ramsey 6.5: dusted off the owner, the Welshman plays a decidedly positive hour of play, with good game plots and a more developed game than before.
(From 68 ‘Bernardeschi 6.5: enters the game well, with the assistance for the final 4-0 of Morata).
Ronaldo 7.5: Returns to the interests of the opaque test against Atalanta. a very high intensity game, with a high school game and above all a double that leaves no way out for rivals. Hungry.
(From the 82 ‘Chiesa sv)
Morata 8: We will have to wait for the final minutes to be able to celebrate a well-deserved goal as seen tonight. A commendable game for the Spaniard who made two assists and closed the scoring with a perfect shot.
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