Toward 60 thousand quick swabs and 905 positive for Covid is the assessment of the screening carried out in the last four days (from Thursday to Sunday) as part of the virus research activity promoted by the Region of Sicily. The positives identified in drive-ins set up in the island’s main cities (1.53 percent) were then subjected to molecular swabbing and then all planned measures were taken to contain the infection.
The projection, desired by the Musumeci government, continues even today in some cities and is reserved for the school population (teaching staff, non-teaching staff, students and their families). At each site there are dedicated paths on which the sample is taken. Also, in the province of Catania The tests are done in nursing homes and nursing homes for the elderly.. In the province of Palermo, however, virus research in schools is progressing.
Since last week, there is also the possibility of booking through the online platform (www.siciliacoronavirus.it) choosing the available date among the proposed drive-ins.
The Musumeci government initiative – Sicilia was the first region to equip itself with fast pads by purchasing a first stock of two million pieces – it is carried out in collaboration with Anci Sicilia and local administrations.
The support of regional civil protection is also decisive, which in recent days has deployed hundreds of volunteers to the field who have collaborated with the medical health personnel employed in the monitoring campaign and in assisting the population.
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