detained facility employee confessed


Has been arrested the man who raped a disabled woman within theTroina Oasis, is a health social worker at the facility: LA, 39, who has worked at the specialized center since 2018. The man reportedly confessed. Must answer for aggravated sexual violence committed to the young woman who was entrusted to him. It was the lawyer appointed by the relatives of the 26-year-old girl who suffered from a rare genetic disease, who filed the complaint with the Enna Mobile Squad on September 11 after those responsible for Oasis informed the family that the girl, unable to give consent, was pregnant, at the twenty-fifth week of gestation, therefore violence took place in the dramatic days of emergency shutdown, when the structure was a red zone due to the presence of 162 positives among patients and nurses. Investigations continued with personnel sampling to extract DNA.

Yesterday the 39 year old married and father of a child, The health social worker employed by the Oasis for two years has been cited and disputed. In April, the conception period and full block for the COVID-19 the man had been assigned to the room where all disabled guests of the facility who tested positive for the virus had been transferred. Taking advantage of the temporary absence of the professional nurse, there would be sexually abused the young woman, positive for the virus, consuming the report without any protection. After the admissions, the man was taken into custody and transferred to prison. However, the investigations do not conclude: “Enna’s Public Ministry – says a police statement – will continue with its activities to clarify any additional aspect of the matter and assess any responsibility for the events that occurred.”

Troina is in shock. Mayor Fabio Venice: “It is very angry to think that while many health workers and workers of the Oasis with a great spirit of self-denial risked their lives to help the infected disabled, there were those who made a ignoble crime“. The Regional Health Councilor announces ainspection at the Oasis of Troia: “What emerged from the researchers’ work is a disturbing image – says Ruggero Razza – more research is needed. It is clear that we will be uncompromising like never before.”
