We publish below the report cards of Pianetagenoa1893.net of the protagonists of Genoa-Milan 2-2. Destro’s encore relaunches the action of Rossoblù, Donnarumma decisive in the final over Scamacca with a great save from the goalkeeper.
Genoa 7 – Game of enormous sacrifice, a point that gives morale and ranking before the direct confrontation with Benevento
Perin 5 – Imperfect in the starts and slow in the lateral jump on the occasion of the Calabrian goal from afar
Goldaniga 6 – Clean in the interventions, confirms an essential defender for Mr. Maran
Money 6 – Tituba within the red and blue area, however sufficient performance
Masiello 6 – Solid play, out of place at the time of Kalulu’s draw (arguably the worst on the pitch)
Ghiglione 7 – If you play continuously, you are one of the best crossover players in the league.
Lerager 6 – When it comes to giving healthy substance, the former Danish Bordeaux never back down
Sturaro 6 – Less brilliant than Juventus but the midfield leader is now fully recovered (76 ′ Behrami 6 – Time to go back to last year’s levels)
Pilgrims 5 – The first sign after many good performances (46 ‘ Czyborra 6 – Slightly better than the replaced side, needs to be viewed and checked several times for clearer judgment)
Pjaca 5 – The impression is that he is only exalted in the cuts of the game (68 ‘ Legalize 6 – After the injury suffered in the Italian Cup, the 99 class can now prove its worth: in the meantime, I take command without fail
Right 8 – Has not scored a double in three years, tonight to remember (76 ‘ Scamacca 6 – The scissor cut miraculously saved by Donnarumma is a technical gesture that would have deserved better luck)
Shomurodov 7 – Genoa deserves more than enough for how “camalli”. Race and availability for the Grifone (76 ‘ Radovanovic 5 – Approximate field entry)
Coach Maran 7 – Scores a great point, especially in light of the results of direct competitors. At least Genoa is no longer the last in the standings
Milan 7 – Donnarumma 7; Calabria 6, Kululu 6, Romagnoli 7, Dalot 5 (77 ′ Diaz sv); Kessie 6, Tonali 5; Castillejo 5 (54 ′ Saelemaekers 5), Calhanoglu 7, Leao 5; Rebic 5 (53 ′ Hauge 7) – Coach Pegs 7