“Desperate Premier, flaunts a bond that never existed” – Libero Quotidiano


Today Thursday December 17 French Pope turns 84. And among the wishes to the Pope, on social networks at 7.30 in the morning, here are those of Giuseppe Conte: “Congratulations, Pope Francis – writes the prime minister -. We follow with the greatest respect your commitment to a Church of proximity, always attentive to the needs of the poorest, the most fragile, the smallest.” A wish taken from Dagospia, who comments on it with heartbreaking tones. Very hard: “The sign of despair, not knowing which saints to pray”, Conte “publishes a post of greetings to the Pontiff, as if to emphasize a certain closeness, to show off a bond that never really existed. When you need to feel strong, in a moment of great weakness, go ahead and do this *** “, he concludes emphatically. Dagospia.

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