Another goodbye for the pentastellati in the Chamber. After the departure of Paolo Lattanzio, critical of the lack of alliance in Puglia, and of Nunzio Angiola, hit by Calenda, now it’s the turn of Piera Aiello. “I renounce 5 star movement, which no longer represents me, continuing with my parliamentary activity ”, wrote the Sicilian deputy on Facebook. Long witness of justice, in a long post, he clarifies that he has decided to “question” his life, “kept secret since July 30, 1991”, in order to bring to Parliament “the problems of witnesses, collaborators of justice and businessmen victims of crime organized. and use “. But in the last two years, she explains, I have not seen the ideals of the Movement implemented. not even the shadow“.
Aiello is a member of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission and of the Justice commission. And it is precisely in the parliamentary work where the reasons for his dismissal lie. “After months of self-styled clashes, there is nothing left of all the parliamentary work. It is always the minister to decide everything and certainly not independently, since 90% of the amendments taken to committee and later in the classroom are rejected and many times without any valid reason ”. The deputy then points a finger at the Keeper of the Seal Alfonso Bonafede, although he admits: “Certainly important laws such as the ‘Corrupt sweeps‘, the’ 416-ter ‘, the’prescription reform‘, the insertion of the trojan as a tool for wiretapping, but actually rendered useless when sent to house arrest ergastolani del 41bis through a simple circular agreed with the organs of the Dap and Minister Bonafede ”. The reference is to the March 21 circular that would have given the green light to the return home of numerous bosses during the pandemic, then returned after the measures approved by the government.
“How can a citizen trust the state if yours gets in danger first safety? How can the witnesses and collaborators who contributed to his arrest have certainty of safety? And who wants to start this path of legality, how can he really trust the State, if the latter does not show stability by making it effective? pity From people who still have blood on their hands? ”, Writes Aiello, also adding a series of political motivations all internal to the Movement. Some of the components have been ‘inserted’ in the same Justice commission and with important assignments and responsibility, not because of merit or competence, much less because they are experts, but only because minister’s men or similar “.
The deputy then lists a series of problems never resolved related to the lives of collaborators of the justice system, witnesses, businessmen who are victims of the mafia. According to him, all these issues “were quickly brought to the attention of the competent bodies, which to date have audited some of these issues, without solving anything. I do not hide bitterness for all the work that I have done, not only in these two years as a deputy but also throughout the years as a simple witness of justice, work that has been frustrated by people who not only have not failed never dealt with the antimafia with proper training, but they haven’t heard mine scream of pain that it is none other than the voice of thousands of people who have no way of being heard and that I have the honor to represent ”.
According to Aiello, now in the process of moving to the Mixed group, “similar mistakes” have been made by pentastelado executives also “locally.” For example, choosing “mayoral candidates who lack the necessary skills in a reality as complex as the Sicily, certifying them through the platform Rousseau, but after having discarded on the table applications without valid reasons. In light of all this I don’t want to be considered an accomplice in what happened as well as closing my eyes to what is happening: I repeat that I have never asked for seats or privileges, but only to be heard and to continue doing a real anti-mafia in the competent institutions. In the end, there is no controversy over the lost assignments, therefore, nor over the restitutions to the Movement. “I would like to point out that I am complying with the refunds and with him reporting that the Movement has asked the spokespersons ”, assures the deputy. Then he makes the harshest accusation, citing Paolo Borsellino: Yes, as’ Uncle Paolo ‘told me:’ Politics and the mafia are two powers that live from control of the same territory: or war or they agree ‘, because I have the clear feeling that the war that the Movement has not waged in these two years ”.
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