Denise Pipitone, DNA results announced live on Russian television: that’s when


Denise Pipitone.  Olesya, the scoop on the Russian track on afternoon 5:

Barbara D’Urso is back to talk about the case of Denise Pipitone, after the interview with the twenty-year-old Russian who launched the appeal to find her natural mother and who remarkably resembles Piera Maggio, Denise’s mother.

Denise Pipitone, Olesya Rostova’s first words in Evening 5: “My mom, I’ve always looked for you”

Barbara D’Urso, after taking stock of the situation, once again showing the interview with Olesya Rostova, recited the latest news: «Yesterday, we broke the news of a Russian family who said that Olesya could be the daughter. Because she was kidnapped at the same age as her baby. Instead, the DNA comparison was done immediately and this is not the case. So the game stays open».

And continues: “On Monday afternoon, the Russian program will announce live the results of the comparison of Denise’s blood type with Olesya’s. We will be on the air and update it live.“Then, the judicial advisor Salvatore Musio, in relation to Barbara D’Urso, compares the photos of Denise, Olesya and Piera Maggio:”There are compatibilities in the shape of the lips. But they are compatibilities that only concern parts of the face. The atrium is missing, which would have been rich in detail.».

Last updated: 11:34

