Lega Nord attacked by the mayor of Brescia Emilio Del Bono, guilty – according to Salvin’s party – of having requested an orange zone only for the eastern Lombardy provinces (including that of Brescia), where the second wave hit with less violence than in Milan, Monza and Varese areas.
Thus, the Budget Counselor of the Lombardy Region, Davide Caparini: “Del Bono knows well the disposition of his Minister (it is also his, in fact, since he also lives in Italy ed) “.” It is expected – continues Caparini – another two weeks in the red zone to confirm the epidemiological trend of improvement. As a deep connoisseur of the health situation in his province, he knows well that today there would be no conditions to relax the measures, given that the reproducibility index of the Rt virus in Brescia is higher than that of Milan ”.
The transmissibility index in the province of Brescia is already below 1, therefore in the “orange zone”. But Caparini certainly knows this but avoids saying that it is not the only factor that is considered for the passage from one area to another. Among the various parameters, there is also that of the pressure of the hospitals and, in those of Brescia, more than 500 patients from other provinces are housed. The pressure, therefore, comes from outside: a duty of solidarity, but in any case a fact to take into account when deciding on restrictive measures.
Caparini’s line is that of the entire League. Governor Fontana also opposes differentiated rules between provinces. His request to the government is that the entire region change to the orange zone. However, on Thursday 2,928 new positives were registered in the metropolitan city of Milan, practically half of all those in Lombardy (7,453). Thinking of loosening the prohibitions in that territory, among other things with a high population density, is really unconscious.
The risk of the Northern League line, be it all or nothing, is that the Milanese capital will drag itself into restrictions even in areas where the virus is less bloody. However, it is not realistic to want to compare the current disaster in Milan with the situation in Brescia: correct and correct (God forbid) to use every available hospital bed – the municipality of residence of a sick person does not matter – it really does not make sense. apply equal measures for all. The discussion seems to have taken the tone of a sometimes children’s competition, “if Brescia then Milan too”. Here, however, what is at stake is different: it is about managing in the best possible way an epidemic that in Lombardy has already caused 20 thousand deaths, protecting the freedoms of citizens in the light of scientific data.
This is not the time to indulge in ridiculous territorial or equal tirades. The situation is dire: for once, let’s make sure it remains dire too.