Definitive blow to our companies


Businessmen on the street in Rome against the curfew imposed by the Lazio Region as an extreme measure to combat coronavirus infection. It was organized byItalian hotel network, an association formed precisely by Roman businessmen in the first place, who have arrived in the Monti neighborhood of the capital. During the protest, the businessmen also carried barrels of beer, symbolically overturned on the street. “It could be the final blow for our companies“said the businessmen who took to the streets, who” promised “a larger demonstration before November 2, to obtain the widest possible consensus.

Already yesterday in the capital a new protest by merchants took to the street in Campo de ‘Fiori, where some of them closed restaurants and nightclubs in advance, again to demonstrate against the curfew imposed by the order of the Lazio Region, that prohibits travel from 24 to 5. “The final blow, we have already lost 70 percent of our turnover,” they explained. And with the announcement of a new Prime Minister’s Decree that would arrive in the next few hours (where there is talk of the closure of the restaurant business at 6 in the afternoon), the protest has started to break out again. Also today was a black day from the point of view of epidemiological contagion in Lazio: 1,687 new positives, of which 728 only in the capital, out of about 23,000 swabs analyzed. Only 94 new healed, while there are another 9 deaths.
