These are decisive hours for the new grip to contain the infections. the Council of Ministers that will give the green light to the new measures necessary in the face of the growth of infections due to the variants now widespread throughout the country and responsible for more than half of the new cases found. The new measures will be valid from March 15 to April 6.
Covid, what changes for the school from Monday with the red zone
The legislative instrument chosen by the government on this occasion will be a decree of law instead of a Dpcm as is often the case with restrictive measures to contain infections.
To stay confirmed color band system for regions according to the level of risk.
Regions that are currently in the white zone will be exempt from the national red zone (currently only Sardinia).
Covid decree, what will it contain?
From March 15 to April 2, 2021 and April 6, 2021, In the Regions whose territories are located in the yellow zone, the measures established for the orange zone are applied..
From March 15 to April 6, 2021, The measures established for the red zone are also applied in the Regions, identified by order of the Minister of Health., in which the accumulated weekly incidence of infections exceeds 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, based on validated data from the latest available follow-up.
From March 15 to April 2, 2021 and April 6, 2021, in the Regions where the measures established for the orange zone are applied, in the municipality it is allowed to move to a single inhabited private house once a day, in a period of time between 5 and 22, and within the limit of two more people than those who already live there, in addition to those under 14 years of age over whom disabled or not self-sufficient people exercise parental authority and coexist. .
Movement is not allowed in the territories where the measures established for the red zone are applied.
On April 3, 4 and 5, 2021, throughout the national territory, with the exception of the Regions whose territories in the white zone, the measures established for the red zone are applied. On the same days it is allowed, in the regional context, to move.
Violation of the provisions is punishable by a fine of 400 to 3,000 euros.
The curfew, on the other hand, will remain unchanged from 10 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Regions, it is further explained, may tighten the measures if they have a high risk.
Covid, the colors of the regions: several changes are expected today
Speranza must sign the ordinances after the entry into force of the new decree law and the measures will begin on Monday: in the red zone therefore, we will go with an Rt greater than 1.25 in the lower value or with an incidence of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. It means that a Basilicata, Campania and Molise, already red for a week, it will almost certainly be added Piedmont (Rt at 1.41), Lombardy (Rt at 1.3), Emilia Romagna (incidence greater than 400), Friuli Venezia Giulia (Rt at 1.3) and Marche (incidence greater than 250) and, in all probability, Veneto, which has an Rt above 1.25 and a scenario of marked deterioration, pRovince of Trento and Bolzano, which have an incidence of more than 300 cases, Abruzzo and Tuscany, Liguria, Puglia and Valle d’Aosta. the Lazio is on the border between orange and red, while Umbria and Calabria they should remain orange. The only “quiet” regions will be there Sicily, which will remain in the yellow zone and the Sardinia which, for the second week in a row, will be in the white zone.
Attention, however: within individual regions, presidents and mayors should continue to monitor any outbreaks with local lock which should be extended to neighboring municipalities to those where the variants increase the number of infections.
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Covid, what changes for the school from Monday with the red zone
Covid, what can and cannot be done in the different areas
In the orange zone the movements allowed only within the Municipality, from 5 to 22. Those who live in a Municipality of up to 5,000 inhabitants can travel within 30 km of the border (even in another region), with the prohibition of traveling to the provincial capitals . Also in the municipality visits to friends and family are allowed, once a day for a maximum of 2 people (excluding children under 14 years of age). Shops open (shopping centers closed on holidays and the eve of holidays). Bars and restaurants close with limited takeout at 6pm for non-cooking activities. Cinemas, theaters, museums, gyms and closed swimming pools.
In the red zone Allowed to go from 5 to 22, even within the municipality only for work, health or necessity reasons. It is forbidden to travel to other private homes. All retail stores closed, except for food stores, pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists, newsagents and other services such as hardware stores, opticians and computer stores. Hair salons closed. Bars and restaurants closed, with takeout limited to 6pm for non-cooking activities. Cinemas, theaters, museums, gyms and closed swimming pools. Suspended face-to-face lessons.
In the yellow zone allowed to go from 5 to 22 in the region. It is okay to travel to a private home once a day for up to 2 people (excluding children under 14 and disabled or non-self sufficient people). Open until 6:00 p.m. bars and restaurants: from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. take away food is allowed (not for bars). Shops open (shopping centers closed on holidays and the eve of holidays). Green light for museums during the week and, as of March 27, also on Saturdays and holidays. From 27 the possibility of reopening of theaters and cinemas. Gyms and swimming pools closed.
In the white zoneOn the other hand, the prohibitions of the other areas expire, including the yellow ones, including the night closing. In Sardinia, the only Italian region in this area, here’s what to expect: restaurants open until 11pm. M., The bars until 9 p.m. M. And they stop moving from 11:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. M. Gyms, dance schools (contactless), shopping centers can reopen on Saturdays. And on Sundays, museums and places of culture. All schools open.