The 2020 income season has just ended, which alreadyRevenue agency has made available the drafts of the new 2021 tax returns, those corresponding to the fiscal year that will close on December 31.
Both of the model 730 that of Cu model (Unique Certification), the Treasury has issued the new drafts. And on the institutional website of our tax office the new versions of two of the most important are ready and available. tax models. The Tax Agency confirmed this directly with an official press release issued on December 23, 2020.
New models and related instructions
me new models they should be used next year and the drafts with the corresponding instructions can be found on the Agency’s website. In addition to the aforementioned 730/2021 and CU / 2021 models, the Treasury has already produced the first drafts of the 770/2021 and VAT / 2021 models.
There are few news about these statements, from the 110% superbonus to the others tax news, many of them related to the epidemiological emergency. For example, the 730/2021 model will inevitably be tied to many of the emergency bonuses the government has introduced to counter the Covid-19 economic crisis.
The new 730 model will expire on September 30, 2020 and will contain several new features. Let’s talk about the 110% super bonus, the vacation bonus, the bike bonus and the scooter bonus. On this, the press release of the Tax Agency was quite clear, especially for some bonds that will enter both the CU and 730 models.
“Also in the um 2021 the complementary treatment and the additional deduction for income of employees and similar are included; Among the new features are also the safeguard clause for the transfer for the replacement of the Irpef bonus and the complementary treatment in the presence of social safety nets and the granting of the bonus to employees in March 2020. There is also the resource deductions for charges related to income and an indication of the returned amounts net of tax withholding, “this is what Tax Italian accompanying the publication of their drafts.
Model 770 and Covid Emergency, all the news
Form 770 is also already public and it is the model that employers usually use to communicate to the tax authorities the 2020 tax withholding data, payments, compensations and final balances that normally must be sent to the Treasury at the end of October.
The news, as we said, are connected to Covid and a typical example can be linked to the identification codes that are included in the declaration and that, as an exception, also refer to late payments due to the pandemic. News also for him VAT model that the Income has been produced with the filing dates that must be between February 1 and April 30, 2021.