Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception in the time of the Coronavirus! Here are the images, phrases and videos to share on Facebook and WhatsApp today, December 8, 2020
L ‘December 8 it is considered the start date of the Christmas holidays. In fact, during the Match Dell ‘Immaculate in all the houses theTree from Christmas and the cradle. Today the Catholic Church celebrates the solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the time of Coronavirus. It is a Catholic dogma, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854 with the bull Ineffabilis Deus, according to which the Virgin Mary was preserved immune from original sin from the first moment of her conception. The Son of God is born of the Virgin Mary and this is possible thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit and because God, in his plan of love, has prepared a worthy home for his Son by becoming a woman without original sin. The Italian state, with L. May 27, 1949, n. 260 (Provisions on festive occasions), has included the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 among the national holidays.
Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception– In support of the article several images (gallery above), phrases and videos to make the Best wishes to those who call themselves Immaculate or Concetta..
Here are the PHRASES for greetings on Facebook and WhatsApp:
- I wish you that this vacation can bring you many happy and unforgettable moments. Good Immaculate “
- “Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception to you and to all the people you care about”
- May the goodness of the Virgin Mary descend on you and guide you on the path of the straight path. Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception “
- “The Immaculate Conception kicks off the Christmas holidays: may every day be a party for you”
- “My best wishes for the feast of the Immaculate Conception, may Our Lady always protect you”
- “Immaculate: a sweet and harmonious sound like what it represents. Best wishes”
- “May the Immaculate Conception always protect you and grant you grace and faith”
- “Everything ready for the arrival of Christmas! Well Immaculate to all! “
- “My best wishes for each moment that will make you happy, for each dream that you will see come true, for each hug. Greetings for the feast of the Immaculate Conception “
- “My best wishes for each smile that will make you feel good, for each dream you want to realize, for each kiss that fills your heart … My best wishes for this special day of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception!”
- May the grace of the Virgin Mary descend on you and guide you on the path of life. Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception to all! “
- “Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception, with the wish that Mary always protect you and be always by your side”
- May your faith sustain you always as it is today. Help you find the peace, serenity and strength that we all need to face daily challenges. With love … Best wishes! “
- “Today December 8 we celebrate the Immaculate Conception, I hope you spend a quiet day with your loved ones”
- “Lights, colors and music: everything is ready for the arrival of Christmas. May the Immaculate Conception watch over you and your family “
here are the VIDEO for greetings on Facebook and WhatsApp: