Between Recovery Fund and Mes, the one that opens promises to be a hot week for the government and for the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte. The tensions in the control room for the Recovery Fund, with the Renzians in disagreement on the three-way scheme, Conte-Gualtieri-Patuanelli, they are just the aperitif of the climate with which on Wednesday, December 9, the Italian yes to the modification of the MEDE treaties will be voted.
Riform of the Month
The vote on the reform of the European Stability Mechanism will be preceded by a tiring mediation between the majority forces to avoid a government crisis.
The 5 Star Movement is dealing with a real psychodrama with a vast foliage that has anticipated its own “no” that would go against the government’s position. “Who votes No Vote against a decision by the M5S group, ”says political leader Vito Crimi. But among the pentastellati, the confrontation brings out divisions that run the risk of becoming the prodigal of a split.
The possible solution is voting on a resolution that explicitly says yes to the reform does not mean supporting the logic of the state savings fund by committing the government not to use the ESM. However, the Democratic Party and Italia Viva have been queuing for a long time to request the opening of a line of credit. One solution could be to include restricting the need for parliamentary approval for any fund-related move.
It will be important for Conte to come to the Brussels table with a clear mandate from Parliament in light of the final rush of negotiations on the Recovery Fund. As sources in the European Parliament explain, vetoing the Month and attacking those who, like Poland and Hungary, continue to oppose the Recovery would be “nonsense” that would paralyze the Italian strategy.
Precisely for this reason, in the next few hours, the CDM will finalize the scheme of the Recovery Plan and the working group discussed, which the minority shareholder of the executive, Italia Viva still does not like: Ettore Rosato and María Elena Boschi attack the prime minister who does not he only denied the reorganization, but it would involve very little “Renzian” ministers.
Therefore, the longest week could open for the government because, as the Minister of European Affairs, Vincenzo Amendola, has already explained, a government that does not have a common line on foreign policy cannot move forward ”, says the story. Republican. “
This was the case of Prodi I with the vote of the Communist Refoundation against the mission in Albania in 1997, and with Prodi II sunk in 2007 by the vote of the Senate against the directives expressed by the then Minister of Foreign Affairs D ‘ Alema. Today, as then, the majority in the Senate has few votes – 170 senators out of 320 – and with the opposition (149 votes) compacted by Silvio Berlusconi’s announcement of the “no” to reform, the wrong step when it comes to the vote could open a crisis. government with a result far from being certain.
Forza Italia hesitates: “No to the reform, yes to the Sanitary Month”
Today Silvio Berlusconi during the Forza Italia seniors meeting, he claimed the Forza Italia No. Riforma of the Month as an exit from the Eurogroup, but yes to Italy’s request for a Health Month and “global agreement” on Recovery plan that must translate into projects the Recovery Fund recognized by the EU in our country.
“The Month as it stands is not controlled by the European Parliament or even by the Commission: it is a technocratic mechanism free from any control, but designed in such a way that it guarantees other countries, and not Italy, a substantial right of veto over An authorized government would have treated Europe in such a way that it would modify it, to turn it into a true European Monetary Fund, with equal conditions for all. “
What to vote briefly on Wednesday, December 9
Here we explain what reforms of the month voted in 2019 and approved only on November 30 by the Eurogroup: in short, the instruments available before the rescue of a country are strengthened and simplified, that is, the prudential lines of credit, which can be used in the event of an economic shock and to escape financial market speculation. In addition, financial support was added to the Srf bank savings fund to complete the ‘orderly bankruptcies’ of banks in crisis.
Conte will appear in the Chamber and Senate on Wednesday, December 9, explaining why the Italian government will approve the reform of the ESM at the next European Summit. Parliament can approve or reject communications. If the majority were missing a dozen votes, Conte would have to go up to the Quirinal to open a majority check.
++ Article updated at 20:00 with Berlusconi’s clarification on the Forza Italia vote ++