Bologna, November 30, 2020 – Two corpses, one in the kitchen, the other under the bed in a strange position. And a reconstruction of the last hours of life yet to be written. We are in via Tiarini, building at number 15, second floor. Two retirees live here: 83 springs for him, four less for her. Always married, a quiet life, a routine broken only by fear of an increasingly exhausting global health crisis. Their bodies were found last night inside their apartment by firefighters and police. “Deaths – based on initial findings – for at least ten days. “ Corpses in an advanced state of decomposition. “In front of me – said his nephew Mauro called the sad rite of recognition – I saw two mummies. I don’t know what could have happened, without suspicions, without omens. I’m shocked. “
For days his phone has been ringing empty, anyone who calls is very surprised. “Because they – they say in those places – they always respond.” The nephew has not seen them for more than a month and a half, yesterday the last desperate attempt, first by phone, then in person. But with the same results. THE Neighbors say the couple hadn’t seen each other for a whileNot even in the nearby Church of the Sacred Heart, always frequented by devoted husbands. With firefighters 118 and the Volanti, the Mobile and Forensics police also arrived in the late afternoon together with the prosecutor on duty to clarify what happened.
Nothing has been ruled out yet: from the tragedy of loneliness (one of the two dies, the other lets go of pain), to murder-suicide. Inside the apartment, it seemed, everything was in order, which would exclude the intervention of third parties. The woman was lying on the kitchen floor, her husband in a strange position practically under the bed. In the last period they seemed very closed, perhaps fearful of the Covid infection. They had no children.
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