deaths and infections on October 22, 2020


New registry of infections in Puglia and in the province of Foggia. In the bulletin issued today by the Health Promotion department, 485 subjects tested positive for Covid-19 infection out of a total of 5,651 tests: 178 in the province of Bari, 53 in the province of Bat, 22 in the province from Brindisi, 132 in the province of Foggia, 19 in the province of Lecce, 83 in Tarantino, 2 of unknown residence. There is also a death, registered in the province of Bari.

The recovered patients are 5,886, while the active cases amount to 6,279.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 507,982 tests have been carried out, the total number of confirmed cases is 12,810 divided as follows: 5,361 in the province of Bari, 1,213 in the province of Bat, 955 in the province of Brindisi, 3,043 in the province of Foggia, 993 in the province of Lecce, 1,147 in the province of Taranto, 94 attributed outside the region and 4 of unknown residence.

“Unfortunately, the growth forecasts for the epidemic curve in the middle of the week are confirmed. The high number of cases today is also supported by the steady increase in positives in the province of Taranto. Currently, the situation in the area is under control thanks to the enormous effort of resources made by the prevention departments. Our appeal continues to be strong to avoid any possibility of contagion in the family and work context ”, declared the Councilor for Health Policies, Pier Luigi Lopalco.

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The newsletter for Thursday, October 22, 2020.
