Deaths 2021 – Gian mario Satta – 866233


1st anniversary “Make me know your ways, Lord, teach me your paths” (from Psalm of David 24 (25) One year after the death of my dear brother Gian mario satta Cav. Of the Republic A year has passed but your memory remains indelible. You left a great void, you will remain in our hearts, take care of us. All the family members thank those who, with affectionate messages and telephone calls, shared their pain, in particular Tonino and Pinuccia for their closeness during the period of the illness and Dr. Luisella Mannu for her valuable advice. They invite all those who want to join in prayer in their memory, during the Holy Mass that will be celebrated tomorrow, March 7 at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish of Our Lady of Intermontes in Ittireddu, and in the afternoon at 5:00 p.m. in the church Gesù Buon Pastore. , Piazza della Meridiana., In Sassari.
Ag. Fun. Tonino Piras, Sassari, tel. 079.219271 334/8008801
