Donald trump he had worked long in advance to prepare his electoral challenge. Using all his (very large) presidential powers and aided only by the collaboration of his (Republican) party, mainly in the Senate but a minority in the House, he initiated a policy of contrast. globalization, achieving important results at the level of the national economy that, with a little autarchia (trade war with everyone) began to reestablish a certain balance in the trade and monetary balance.
These results, already excellent on their own, were accompanied in the second year of the presidency by the Fixed tax (the usual mantra of right-wing governments), which masquerades as aid to the economy which, instead, it’s just a help to the rich, since it does not improve the redistribution of the wealth produced but rather helps to worsen it.
However, through ups and downs (due to the Supreme Chief’s bad temper), the nation’s economy was in good shape at the beginning of the fourth year of presidency, and also financial world kept going up. However, when the black day came in the form of a pandemic, everyone was not prepared. A little less the Chinese, a little more the Americans, also passing through Europe, with Italy forced to close everything first.
Now we all know what it means to have an economy that is stopped due to an invisible black death that kills thousands of victims and forces everyone to lock yourself in the house not to be surprised.
The incurable prosopopoeia of Trump, who has become a star of Apprentice in 2003, when he ascended the oval room of the American White House from the leader of a reality show, he sentenced himself to go on a “reality show” that he he just can’t act, that of the leader who chooses the path seriously, competently and realistically, not with the audacity and duplicity of the sagacious actor.
All his work on the economy to show up for the appointment with the vote in perfect shape had vanished in just two months, burned by Covid. In March, according to the Democratic Party, it had immediately started a substantial round of helicopter money almost $ 3 trillion of reach, but the monetary benefit was not accompanied by serious virus isolation behavior, not even for the basics: mask.
Trump used his pride instead of his decision making. I should have given a peremptory order: everyone home for a month! And then a controlled reboot. Instead, he preferred strut. But there is no joke with Covid, in just over a month he found himself ‘with his ass on the ground’ as the day of the vote approached and people expressed more and more openly the preference for the postal vote (less risky with Covid around).
It could, in the last three months, strengthen the postal system, make it more resistant to attempts to fraud – after all, already inaccessible to major scams. But it was in that period that the supreme judge died Ruth Ginsburg, of progressive orientation, therefore of the democrats. A real stroke of luck for him and the Republicans.
He had already had the opportunity to appoint two Conservative judges, now he could appoint a third and, with the three already present, he reached six Conservatives against three progressives. With that majority, the conservatives could decide anything since, in case of dispute, the Supreme Court he would fix everything. But it was September, the money for the first round ran out and people went to vote with empty pockets, it was necessary to make a new round of “rain money” immediately. Democrats had already agreed since August, but they wanted it to be a little different: not really “rain” but a little more aimed at the worst-hit categories.
But it was the Republicans this time, with their leader Mc Connel, who put their feet up because many of their senators were subject to the vote, and feared that another “gift” of that magnitude would irritate their voters because it would provoke a return of the taxes. Mc Connel’s proposal was: the money round is no longer in time to do it, and in any case it can be done even later, in the meantime we appointed Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court.
Trump agreed: after all, the safest pawn was right there Barrett and it costs nothing. With that majority in the Supreme Court it would have been enough to forcefully dispute all the victories with little difference. Democrats and ask for the physical count of all. Since you cannot be without a president for long periods, the Democrats would have been forced to give in giving Trump the victory.
I think it will be different. If he hopes to reverse the situation simply by relying on the justices of the Supreme Court, whom he appointed himself, I think he is doing a calculation. wrong. Being conservative is one thing, playing fake cards is another. Maybe certain things will happen in your mega casino in New Jersey, in the government of a democracy like that of the United States of America, no!
In its Apprentice every day he fired someone with his peremptory “You are fired!”. This time it’s his turn, and many have told him so.