“Dear right-wing voters, disobey Salvini and Meloni in the referendum”


Ivan Romano via Getty Images

ROME, ITALY – MARCH 21: Supporters attend the rally of the Fratelli d’Italia – Alleanza Nazionale match on March 21, 2019 in Potenza, Italy. Giorgia Meloni is the leader of the Brothers of Italy – National Alliance party, which in the March 24 elections supported the center-right candidate, General Vito Bardi of the Guardia di Finanza. (Photo by Ivan Romano / Getty Images)

“Disobey your leaders for the good of Italy.” The call to the voters of the “Referendum 2020. Center-right and free to vote No” closes in a heartfelt way. A document to be signed to stop the “shit law” that will leave intact the “true knot of perfect bicameralism” by depriving “many territories of adequate representation” in exchange and making the Chambers “even more conditioned by lobbies and pressure groups”. All “in the name of savings equivalent to the daily cost of a cup of coffee.”

More than two hundred signatures collected in two days. Among the first, many local politicians and administrators close to the old world of the National Alliance, then Futuro and Libertà, some later passed with the Brothers of Italy but also forceistas. There are Viviana Beccalossi, the former mayor of Castellammare Luigi Bobbio, Massimo Corsaro, Giuseppe Cossiga, Pino Galati, Mario Landolfi, Gennaro Malgieri, the former president of the Province of Rome Silvano Moffa, the RAI journalist (former parliamentarian) Francesco Pionato, Souad Sbai, Pasquale Viespoli, the lawyer and former deputy of the force Michele Saponara, the blue deputies Marzia Ferraioli and Enzo Fasano, the biologist and ex-parliamentarian Enzo D’Anna, the president of the monarchical union Alex Sacchi.

And the “manifesto” has above all a strong political content: against the Cinquestelle, which are “evidently the only beneficiaries of the victory of the Yes” with the aim of halting their decline in support. In order to “reject the false grillina narrative”, only the triumph of the center-right in the Regionals would not be enough the other way around because “a univocal political reading” would be difficult. If, on the contrary, the No to the consultation wins, “it would make the crisis irreversible, highlighting the detachment of Italians in the field that they like the most, that of anti-politics.” Not a word against the M5S partner in government: the Democratic Party. Many, however, against the leaders of the center, even without naming them.

The drafters of the appeal are in fact surprised by the “underestimation by the center-right of the political consequences of the referendum”: “Its leaders pass off their inaction for consistency … Every day they ask for a return to the polls but they avoid take the only decisive step in that direction. ” A sentiment that is basically shared by a large part of the “center-right people”.

The coordinator of the committee Mario Landolfi, former minister of Initiation and big fish of AN, is sure of this: “We are facing a challenge that is completely political. When Di Maio says that Yes would strengthen the government, he means that No would weaken it. It is a mistake not to take advantage of this opportunity. And we reported it to the leaders of the center right. The votes of No will be like the March of the Forty thousand in Turin … ”.
