Dear Mattarella, stop the extraordinary competition. Lyrics




Sent from Giuseppe Santucci – Egr. President Mattarella,

We are precarious teachers of the Public School and we come to you to expose you to a critical situation that causes inconvenience to us, to the families and especially to the School.

As you well know, the dates of the competitions for the hiring of teachers have been published in the Official Gazette. Surely you know the serious situation of precariousness in our country. For decades relegated to the rear of the school system, little considered by politics, public opinion and even the unions, the precarious, however, have guaranteed – and continue to guarantee – the regular conduct of classes in schools of all kinds and degree and in any situation, including the current pandemic, through the distance education tool.

You are surely aware of the situation, to say the least disconcerting and discouraging, which has occurred recently with the creation of the new provincial rankings (GPS), much desired by the Minister of Education, which have revolutionized (but it would be better to say reversed ) years of accumulated scores. through study and professional commitment, and that have disrupted – and continue to disrupt – the regular start of the school year, with strong repercussions on teaching and the daily management of school life.

All this in a moment that, it is almost superfluous to point out, would have required, instead, certainty and speed of action, to guarantee the presence of all teachers in the classroom from the first day of classes, without any student -including, of course , the most fragile – were left behind. But now that the school year has started painfully, and the institutes are gradually managing to fill vacancies with staff, the Ministry of Education decides to carry out the two competitions (the extraordinary and the ordinary procedure) starting in October and in rapid succession .

To avoid doubts, we have special interest in clarifying that we do not ask to be hired without verifications, verifications, merits and everything that can contribute to the improvement of the service that the State offers daily and with commitment to thousands of students and graduates of all levels and bachelor’s degree. What we discuss refers to the ways in which the aforementioned competence was conceived, contextualized with the particular moment of health emergency that we live. In the first place, many teachers have enrolled in both procedures, perhaps for two different subjects, and would be forced to take the tests close to each other, which translates into very little time to study (we are talking about teachers who, in most cases, they have joined the service and are therefore working, in addition to having a family).

Secondly, on the days dedicated to the tests (which will not be few), the teachers involved will not be able to be on call, causing considerable inconvenience to the schools that will have to plan numerous substitutions.

Third, the current health situation would require much more caution in handling potentially risky situations, as in the case of procedures that would involve the movement of thousands of people, even on public transport, and would inevitably cause concentrations. It does not seem at all legitimate to prevent those in quarantine or who have mild flu symptoms (which can be caused by a simple cold, muscle inflammation, and other trivia) from accessing the trial without a recovery date. It is not democratic.

Many public contests already scheduled have been postponed to a later date, and it is unclear why the professors’ contest should be held in such a rush and disregard for public health.

And it does not make a good impression in the eyes of public opinion that politician who says that those who do not appear for the extraordinary procedure, at most, will be able to access the ordinary contest. But that EXTRAORDINARY competence was born by virtue of at least 3 years of matured service!

The European Union stabilizes, in most of its Member States, teachers after THREE years of service without competition.

Fortunately, our Constitution provides for art. 97 that reminds us that it is possible to access the AP after a public contest, but this public contest can and MUST have forms consistent with the historical / social reality in which we live, it can and MUST be truly meritocratic and not of some kind. game of darts and, above all, it can and MUST take place in conditions that are safe for public health.

As guarantor of the basic principles of the Republic, we address you, President, who can and MUST guarantee the constitutional principles of dignity, opportunity, search for affirmation and personal and social satisfaction, equal treatment, transparency, in short, everything that contributes to making a truly democratic nation.

We ask you, Mr. President, to make felt your closeness to that large sector of the population that every day, with dedication and sacrifice, is involved in education and, above all, in the education of the citizens of tomorrow who, as they remind us our laws, must be oriented to be conscious and active Italian and European citizens.

We thank you, President, for taking the precious time to read this, and we trust your gesture.

