Dead DJ, family experts: “The truck crashed into Viviana’s car” | Power of attorney: “risky making assumptions”


In addition, “according to the first findings – the experts continue before going to the Pizzo Turda tunnel on the A 20 Messina-Palermo near Caronia for a more detailed analysis – the seat in which Gioele was riding was unbuttoned and not attached to the car” ; therefore, it is likely that the child was seriously injured in the accident.

Joel wasn’t sitting on the seat Speaking of Joel’s seat, the techs explain that “it wasn’t usable, so Joel wasn’t there, he was sitting somewhere else in the car.” Regarding the truck that Viviana’s car collided with, they add: “We examined all the damages, the truck had already been repaired because it had been confiscated not immediately, but only on August 10. Fortunately the door involved in the accident. It hadn’t been repaired, so we were able to do our own tests. “

Pm: risky drawing conclusions from consultants’ prayers – “After the examinations carried out today by our consultants on the vehicles involved in the accident between the car driven by Viviana Parisi and the truck of the workers who took care of the maintenance of the highway on August 3, I do not exclude anything, yet all assumptions
They are open. “Patti’s lawyer, Angelo Cavallo, says, adding:” We are awaiting the results of the consultations, it seems to me at least risky to draw conclusions from the statements of the consultants who have just started their work.

Delays in the seizure of the van Pietro Venuti, Daniele Mondello’s lawyer, also spoke about the delays in the seizure of the truck. “A very serious aspect arose that our advisor informed me and that is that while Viviana’s car was confiscated precisely on August 3, the truck where the technicians who were in charge of maintaining the highway were on board. Who had the accident was kidnapped just on August 10 and it seems that the repairs have already begun ”. “What emerged – concludes the lawyer – does not give us peace of mind, a piece of evidence that we consider essential to know the truth about the dynamics of the accident may have been modified”.

Legal: we do not exclude the death of a child by accident – “From the tests carried out on Viviana Parisi’s car, on the motorway workers’ van, and on the Pizzo Turda tunnel in Caronia, we still cannot rule out that little Gioele died from a blow that occurred during the accident that could have caused a brain hemorrhage and would have caused him to die later in the Caronia countryside. “To say Daniele Mondello’s legal lawyer Pietro Venuti.” It was also learned – he continues – that the tunnel was not fully illuminated, a regrettable aspect We await further tests on the GPS of the workers’ van to find out how fast they and Viviana’s car were going and if they were the ones who headed into the car when changing lanes. All of these subsequent tests could help us to to get to the truth about the accident, however, from what has emerged, I think that the workers cannot be considered reliable witnesses of the dynamics ”.
