Dead Antonio Catricalà, the servant of the State between law and politics


Dead Antonio Catricalà, the servant of the State between law and politics

It is a death the death of Antonio Catricalà which causes a very strong personal and collective pain and at the same time provokes deep civil suffering. If the big commissions are the Stradivari of the state car, Catricalà represented this quality to the highest degree. Their competence to make institutions work, never yielding to party logic or the ideological claims of others, and instead embracing the culture of labelless pragmatism, is a republican gift that has been precious in the past and present of our country, but that remains a hopeful one. guarantee also for the future.

Catricalà, the former Antitrust Guarantor was appointed president of the IGI a few days ago

His dramatic disappearance, which is that of a man who never dramatizes, an example of balance based on solidity and experience in the name of general interests, leads to rethinking the value of a rare figure. That of a great Italian, capable of saying something that we should all write down every day in our diary: «What annoys me the most is carelessness: whether at work or in managing relationships between people, I can’t stand it. . Because it is a lack of respect for others.

Hence the daily and constant professional commitment as a servant of the State – in his various functions: jurist, magistrate, councilor of state, chief of staff in governments of the right, left and technicians, lawyer, still in office president of the airports of Rome until the other day at the head of the Istituto Grandi Infrastructure – for the country that he adored with great sensitivity for its South. Of whose potential, as a Calabrian by race, he was very convinced and also joined this conviction: that without a rebalancing between the In various parts of the Peninsula, the so-called “locomotive” of the North would have made little progress. His annoyance at the “carelessness” must also be traced back to his not ostentatious and substantial politeness, of old southern derivation (he was born in Catanzaro in 1952), with which he related to others. He combined elegance with simplicity, a smile with wisdom.

From Maccanico to Gianni Letta: that his world, that his habitus. In 2005, the Berlusconi government appointed him president of Antitrust, a position he held with a profoundly innovative vision: that of protecting consumer rights. In 2011 he was undersecretary of the presidency of the council with Monti. In 2013 he was deputy minister at the Mise, with responsibility for Communications, in the executive headed by Enrico Letta. But Catricalà, if we want to insist with the list of tasks carried out but it would hardly be worth remembering them because the character now lives alone even though he is no longer there, he was among other things the chief of the cabinet of the Minister of Public Service in ’94 with Urbani (government of Berlusconi I), the same with Frattini (government of Dini) and in ’96 in

Communications with Maccanico (Prodi I), in ’99 back to the Public Service with Angelo Piazza (D’Alema executive) and finally: if we have to think of a bipartisan figure, we must think of Catricalà. Berlusconi, who had him as general secretary at Palazzo Chigi in 2001, said: “Catricalà is indispensable not only for me, but also for Gianni Letta.” Essential for everyone. “The administration of the state – this is his mantra – must be neutral. Always. It is a guarantee above all for citizens but also for politics. And again: «The politician you work with, you also need to know how to say no. Explain that not everything can be done. It is more important to have a strong personality than a party card. His case is proof of this. His daughter Michela (the other is Giulia) once said: “I learned a rule of life from my father: honesty is the best policy.”

Dense network of transversal relationships, technically very good to become a transmission belt between political decisions and administrative execution, personally reliable: Italy has lost that type. That would have been extremely valuable in the current phase of national reconstruction and indeed he was talked about as a possible minister of economic development and could have done this and much more. When one knows the tools of the trade, and the Stradivarius who died yesterday absolutely wielded them, there is no political season, unless one is blinded by the superstition that one is worth it, that one can ignore this accumulation of skills. And Italy without Catricalà definitely becomes a more fragile country. At a time when figures like him should multiply, the original has been lost. In its matrix it was written that partisanship does not create cohesion and does not give development. And the Catricalà model, fully adopted by Draghi and hopefully also by his government, also teaches this: «I am inspired by the utmost confidentiality and not appearing where it is not necessary. Absolute sobriety is necessary, even before the press.
In his own way, like all great high-profile commissions, Catricalà was involved in politics. More and better than politicians. He did it in the name of a higher interest: that of the independence of the State from the interference of the parties. And this, along with much more, must remain of him. A patriotism that does not admit exceptions. But also an existential style that made him pronounce words like these: “The sea moves me, its shadows, the sudden waves, the speed with which it changes.” And life, in his case, turned out to be like the sea.

Last update: 00:22

