“Dead American Soldiers? Losers and Losers.” See also Melania – Libero Quotidiano


Donald trump he was accused of calling the American soldiers who fell during World War I “losers” and “losers.” Words that have been attributed to the US president by the monthly The Atlantic, in an article in which four sources close to Trump reported that the head of the White House canceled a visit to an American military cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because he believed “loser” and “loser” soldiers And why didn’t he want the rain to bother him? hair. Trump immediately denied this news and did it very vehemently: “I never said something like that, I swear to nothing. Only an animal can say such a thing. I have great respect for fallen heroes.”

The police are wrong, as in .... Sensational live, the journalist contradicts Trump: Can not say, president |  Video

The first lady also sided with him, Melania Trump: “The article of The Atlantic It is not true – he wrote on his Twitter account – it is very dangerous if you believe in anonymous sources and nobody knows why. This is not journalismIt is activism. “The suspicion, in short, is that it is” electoral campaign mud “thrown at the president.
