De Luca’s ‘older brother’ fires on social media


De Luca's 'older brother' fires on social media

by Antonella Nesi

“I am in favor of all the affections, I am convinced that she too, despite his brotherly image, they have many stable effects in Italy. “ The sentence of the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, addressed to Fabio Fazio yesterday afternoon. in the episode of ‘Che Tempo Cha Fa’ on Rai2 set fire to social networks. the hashtag #fratacchione quickly flew into trend and immediately multiplied i photomontages of the conductor dressed in friar (one with Lucio Luttizzetto also published Fazio dressed as ‘Don Matteo’), jokes and certificates of esteem of De Luca, who now has a true fan club on the net.

Fazio’s sincere response was useless: “Many, however, I do not have three that really arrive tomorrow, my wife and my children, whom I have not seen in two months. Sincerely I am going tomorrow. Of course I pray on the street, but I am going “said Fazio.

Among the first to comment, Fiorello: “I think I love De Luca”, wrote the showman. That morning he added on Twitter: “Anyway there is “Fratacchionismo”. Even the television author Marco Salvati expressed admiration for the governed: “I make the ‘older brother’. De Luca wins.”

On Google, many have started searching for the meaning of “big brother”, others have given their personal interpretation on Twitter: “Says #Fratacchione, a masculine person with a silly face who wants to sympathize with a very intelligent person.” “someone wrote.

But the funny and enthusiastic comments were many: “We managed to send #fratacchione trending. So come and tell me that we are not the most beautiful country in the world“commented one user.” Tonight De Luca passed the Littizzetto, “wrote another.”Years of false mockery of the Littizzetto, then De Luca arrives and with a single word marks and destroys the image of Fabio Fazio throughout the centuries., amen, “ironically another tweet”. High television moments. A pearl that will end in Rai cases to be remembered forever, “said another. According to another commenter,”De Luca will replace Littizzetto in the next season of Che tempo che fa“.” Tonight Vincenzo De Luca taught Fazio that those who want to mock are mocked“wrote another, referring to the fact that shortly before the definition, the director had provoked De Luca that his sentence on the” flamethrower “against those who did not respect the blockade had gone around the world, also thanks to an enthusiastic share Naomi Campbell. “You can’t start teasing Naomi Campbell and expect De Luca to forgive you: #fratacchione,” someone else commented. Among the various interpretations of the meaning of ‘older brother’, all very ironic, there are also those who asked for clarity: “Here we need Alberto Angela to explain the term #fratacchione to the Italians.”

Fazio’s own hot social reaction was also funny: “” If Naomi Campbell also praises De Luca, there will be a reason! How much to laugh with Vincenzo De Luca“The driver wrote at the end of the broadcast on Twitter.

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