The school, according to the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, is the main vector of contagion in families.
Interviewed by Fabio Fazio in “Che tempo che fa”, De Luca did not hesitate to say: “you had a choice: to close everything for a month and let the epidemic cool down or take intermediate measures. The government has chosen the second path ”.
But “this second path has some critical points.” One of these critical issues for De Luca is “the stop of bars and restaurants, the entertainment sector, the cinema, cultural operators, gyms, who are in great suffering” and “honestly, those are not the places where the bulk of contagion is determined “.
For the president of the Campania Region “the problem concerns the school, about which in my opinion we continue to babble”.
“From the epidemiological data we have, the problem is the school. We made a comparison between the infection in the first two weeks before the opening of the school year and the two weeks after the opening. And in the next two weeks, the infection increased in the general population three times, increased in the age group from zero to 18 by nine times. And with an extremely worrying fact: that the age range of the infection is exactly the same for the 0-5 group as for the 15-18 group, this means that the school world, whether we like it or not, is one of vectors. greater than contagion in families. “