
Today in Campania there were two national television crews to report on the increase in Covid infections: both were banned from access at the Cotugno hospital in Naples, the infectious diseases unit on the front line against the virus. Not only. The Tg3 Regionale Campania company, which for months has been stationed in a reserved area near the hospital, was clearly told to pack. Since March, or the beginning of the pandemic, this is the first time something like this has happened. The reason? Yesterday, a note registered and signed by the top leaders of the Campania health sector demands a press blackout: “Therefore, it is prohibited for all company bodies to disclose information and interviews or to collaborate with the aforementioned bodies without authorization. expresses this unity of crisis, “he says. So, health administrators (from primary directors to ASL directors) they will have to get the green light from politics, that is, from Vincenzo De Luca’s men, to communicate how things are about Covid in Campania.
This restriction on freedom of information occurs at a specific time: in Campania there is an increase in cases; De Luca is in open contrast to the Conte government on all aspects of managing the pandemic. He went to the Viminale threatening fire and flames and returned with his lamb, because the Chief of Police and the Minister of the Interior made him understand that Generalissimo and that he cannot dispose of the Police and the Carabinieri as he wants – who, perhaps De Luca is distracted – must not only pursue the idiots without a mask but also solve murders and hunt down the Camorra.
The voting took place on September 20 and 21 and De Luca obtained 70 percent of the votes; We are at October 6: would the result continue to be like this? The only critical element of Deluchian’s victory was imposing a victorious narrative on Covid. “we perform a miracle“;” Campania with our heads held high “;” First we move. “We know that the virus not only moves in bars or after 10 at night, we know that public transport, another potential vector of contagion, is full . We know that the Covid Centers paid for with gold are partly sensationally closed. We know that there is unused equipment as a reserve for lung ventilators. We know that there is an important and worrying judicial investigation that is based in part on the reports of this newspaper. A strong concern of the Campania Region is in the daily bulletin not of infections, but of free beds: because while in the infected you can always shout against nightlife and those who do not wear the mask, in beds not, the Region is solely responsible.
We know that the victorious narrative is crumbling and was inevitable. Now, however, the restriction of freedom of information affects one of the axes of the fight against Covid: the Cotugno hospital. The Region has announced that it will designate a single “reference” in relations with the press. This way we will have the handkerchief well served every day. And it will depend on separating the wheat from the chaff even more carefully.

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