De Luca, Covid: ‘Some idiotic administrators come out on television to speak ill of Campania’


“Even today there are some idiotic administrators who go around the television to speak ill of Campania.” It is the push with which the governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca opens the Facebook direct on Friday. He accuses, without naming names, “administrators who have not lifted a finger to control the nightlife, to put order, that is to say to help contain the contagion. Now these subjects are used as the idiot of the country simply to speak ill of Naples and Campania “. Regarding the handling of the pandemic, De Luca claims to have “performed a miracle” and asks “to intervene before the problem explodes, otherwise it is perfectly useless. Based on this line that we have given ourselves, we have made the decision to save ourselves and we will continue. The government has made a different choice, choosing a proportionality line, adopting restrictive measures as infections increase. I think it is not effective. I would have preferred a closure for a month of everything, because we it would have helped, instead of having a calvary of ordinances that ended up creating confusion among citizens, creating conflicts between economic categories and territorial conflicts ”.
Regarding schools, 80 percent distance education “could and should have been done first,” says De Luca. “I understand the government – he adds – we are a strange country, since in recent months all communication was aimed at minimizing. Today, having lost three weeks of precious time, we have a duty to be united in our country and do everything possible for winning the difficult battle. “

“Campania has been placed in the yellow zone. This classification caused some surprises, many expected a different location. Since the classifications are neither hot nor cold, we have given ourselves a clear line and we work based on the objectives to be processed “, Reiterates the president of the Region on Facebook.” Someone wanted Campania to be included in the red zones – he adds -. For almost two months we suffered a media attack that described false medical care, and then they wanted to be surprised. For some Naples and Campania cannot be considered regions of excellence, they must necessarily be degradation and disaster. I’m sorry, but it wasn’t like that. “

On the data, De Luca attacks: “In Campania we have 1600 hospitalizations, while in intensive care there are 174, with an employment rate of 28-29 percent. And we have the lowest mortality rate in Italy among the large regions. A 25 from Lombardy, a sixth from Piedmont, a seventh from Emilia, a quarter from Veneto. For ordinary hospitalizations, Campania has 29 hospitalized patients for every one hundred thousand inhabitants. For intensive care, we have 2.8 admissions to therapy for every one hundred thousand inhabitants. For deaths, 11 per 100,000 inhabitants. These are the figures. But we should not console ourselves, on the contrary. We must be even more determined in the line of rigor and containment of contagion. In hospitals, yesterday we had 174 admissions to intensive care beds: we have doubled the places, we are not activating them all but there are 600 available. In two months we will have 800. For hospitalization we have a total of 3,160 public and private places. Luca thanked the medical staff “who are doing an extraordinary and sometimes heroic job.” And he adds: “If the scene of the mattresses on the floor that I saw in a hospital in Turin had been seen in Naples, the end of the world would have come. But we are civilized people, we will never be looting.”

For the school, restrictive measures are maintained. “In Campania and Italy we should have fought for parental leave for dependent working mothers and nanny bonuses for self-employed workers. We are the only region that has proposed it. There is no need to bureaucratically repeat to reopen schools,” he says. From Luca.

Then the governor warns: “If we behave irresponsibly, we run the risk of ending up in the red zone in a week.” And he cites the data on infections in the main cities as of November 6: “Naples 1046 positive, most asymptomatic. Giugliano, 116 and it is one of the most worrying situations. Arzano 24, Portici 57, Casoria 29, Pozzuoli 4.9 Caserta 65 , Aversa 109, Somma Vesuviana 50, San Giorgio 45, Castellammare 48, Nola 57, Ercolano 48, Afragola 27, Torre del Greco 66, Salerno 56, Acerra 30, Marano 62, Marcianise 41, Melito 35, Ottaviano 50, Nocera inferior 29 , San Giuseppe Vesuviano 47, Scafati 22. With these numbers – says De Luca – we risk the not red zone, but the red one, that is why I appeal to the mayors of the largest municipalities, we have to reduce mobility by 50 percent cent and do acts of responsibility. Can we ask not to take a walk when it is useless? Doesn’t it seem like a great sacrifice? Or always wear masks? I ask citizens to be strict and behave as if there was already a confinement. ”
