At a morning press conference in Salerno, faced with questions from journalists about the investigation into him revealed by “Repubblica”, he did not want to express himself. Simply spreading your arms and walking away. But at the end of the morning the governor breaks the silence on the investigation that sees him investigated for fraud and abuse.
He does it with a post on Facebook. We read: “We learned of the timely discovery that an investigation has been opened for three years into the organization of the secretariat office of the president of the Campania region. The investigation, due, started from a complaint from a former regional councilor ( former director of Forza Italia, now a member of the League) who, being a councilor, received transfers of hundreds of thousands of euros from the regional transport company EAV (investigated, investigated …). ”And here he attacks those who denounced him .
“The three-year survey focuses on this question: were the drivers who take turns accompanying the President of the Region just drivers or did they also do secretarial work? – he adds – Meanwhile, it is announced that the organization of the secretariat of the current Presidency, compared to the previous one, meant a saving of 84,000 euros per year ”. And here is a defense against the accusations made. “Good job everyone – he concludes – And for the rest, don’t waste time and don’t get distracted”, he concludes with what is now his motto. But beyond the position, the judiciary will now make its assessments on the investigation.