What will be the next frontier of Covid disease policy? After De Luca showed on Facebook the CT scan of a patient in serious condition, what Crozza can match him the most? After he called “Tangheri and Jackals” some members of the government (which, among other things, supports), what can we say with them in the frequent meetings in Rome, we imagine ourselves marked by the constitutional principle of “Loyal cooperation”? After having said that with certain ministers it is not possible to speak “like men”, that if it refers to a minister it is a heavy sexist joke and if it refers to a man (more likely) it is a vulgar homophobic allusion, that there is hope of a lucid, weighted, unitary response of the institutions to the emergency?
Yes, One would also be tempted to agree with De Luca when he says that the situation is precipitating and with half measures nothing is resolved., asking Rome for an iron fist. Except he has been the president of Campania for five years and a month, he has been for two years government special commissioner for health, and in the election campaign he repeatedly boasted of having taken anti-Covid measures unprecedented in other regions. Now there is a cacophony of voices that should be curbed. Thus public opinion is scared instead of mobilizing it, because everyone who has some power unloads the barrel on another. Perhaps the communication on the topic of an epidemic should be centralized again: the lungs of a patient exposed live make one regret the daily Civil Protection press conference. And it would be appreciated if anyone who has a directive function, of any order and degree, made their public statements. apologizing first for his share of responsibility.
October 23, 2020 (change October 23, 2020 | 8:18 PM)