De Benedetti: “I congratulate Berlusconi, but I do not change my mind: it was harmful for Italy” – La Stampa


FROM THE REPORT TO DOGLIANI (CN). If you have Urbano Cairo and Carlo De Benedetti facing each other in a public debate on the day that Silvio Berlusconi is hospitalized in San Raffaele due to Covid, you cannot fail to mention it. And so, Aldo Cazzullo, moderator of the appointment scheduled at the Television and New Media Festival in Dogliani, did not miss the opportunity to ask about the relationship between them and the former prime minister.

And if for the first he was an important mentor, for the second he was the rival. Notwithstanding the wishes for a good recovery that both gave him, Cairo recalled how – in 1981, as a student of Bocconi – he managed to become a collaborator of Berlusconi, De Benedetti – once again – sank the blow: “We are opposing States”, he recalled , without making discounts: “I have a negative opinion about the influence that Berlusconi has had in the country, in the civility and in the moral of Italy. He was a great cheater and I punished him severely when he had to pay 562 million to Cir: I did not take one euro. He did everything possible to put me in trouble, making him pay was my greatest satisfaction and I think that for him it was the greatest suffering. “The negative opinion is total:” Your television has influenced the life of the country for the last 40 years “He is the Alberto Sordi of Italian politics. I wish him well, but it was bad for Italy.”

Conte’s government
He also goes back on what was stated during an interview with Lilli Gruber in La7: «If I said that I was less worse than Conte, I withdraw the statement. And not because Conte is good, huh. He was found there by chance, but his government has handled the Covid emergency well. However, I do not see it as adequate to relaunch the country. He has no vision, he takes bites. The Colao commission, which I have high esteem, has made proposals that have not been received. It was said that he could replace Conte: Padre Pio saved him ». Cairo is less harsh, although it expects more: “In deciding to shutdown, the government was quite reactive, certainly better than others, particularly that of the United States. As for economic reactivation, a kind of Marshall Plan would be needed with incentives for companies to hire, a reduction in the tax burden, stimulating some sectors over others, giving money indiscriminately, I don’t think it works. These are things that had to be done before. We need a change of pace, I hope they are capable.

From Benedetti to Dogliani: “They also asked me to buy the Bull but you have to be stingy like Cairo”

Web and publication
There is the problem of the web giants who use the content of newspapers and get publicity. What weapons do editors have? How to deal with its economic power? We were wrong to take those four salaries they give us, De Benedetti thought. Publishers all over the world have made a mistake by putting free content on the web. A mistake made by everyone. So someone like him New York Times, stepped back. We will pay for everything. My father used to say that what is free is not quality. We had a lack of vision.

There was also a strategic mistake for Cairo, which was not made in the books: “It was thought that the publicity would compensate for the loss, but it was not. Agreement with the big names on the Web has never been achieved because obviously lobbies are powerful. Politics must do something else, it cannot be left to free negotiation alone ”. One possible way, for De Benedetti, is to make these giants pay taxes like any Italian company: “Why don’t these people pay a penny in taxes? Okay, the power of the lobbies, but there is also the insufficiency of the rulers.


It is impossible not to talk about Toro, with Cairo confirming the interest in the Arsenal player, former Sampdoria Torreira, and De Benedetti revealing an anecdote: «35-40 years ago they asked me to buy Toro, but I refused. I love football but it’s not my thing. I couldn’t, I’m a Juventus player and I go to the stadium, or at least I went when possible. To be an entrepreneur in this sector you have to be a stoner like Cairo, who also manages to make money from football. Ready the response of the patron grenade: “But not in the last two years have I lost more than ten million per season.” However, I don’t feel like leaving. On the contrary: “I am not selling Toro, I want to reopen a winning cycle with Giampaolo and Vagnati, then the day will come when I will leave football.”

As an entrepreneur, I wanted to do something new, not chew again. If in a difficult moment like this, you want to be an editor, you have to do something new. So no one who comes from the Republic, even if they have had a good relationship. I chose young people, we were born as a digital magazine that, due to its nobility, also comes out on paper. Even today, if there is no paper newspaper, there is no perception of the result. There are also twenty. Thirty thousand first year subscriptions is our goal. The only newspaper owned by a foundation. We are the only two pure publishers in Italy. Nobody is perfect: Cairo bought the Bull.

Natural choice to trust Rcs for print and distribution. We ask for help in Cairo, obviously not for free.

Cairo and de Benedetti in Dogliani talk about the alliance between Rcs and Domani

The reactions of politics and the family
Immediate reactions of politics and the Berlusconi family to De Benedetti’s phrases: “The words of a man in disarmament from all points of view, from business experiences to family relationships, can only awaken a feeling of commiseration”, is Marina Berlusconi’s response. “The words of Carlo De Benedetti are seriously inappropriate and false – says in a note Mariastella Gelmini, leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies -. President Berlusconi, in addition to being a very successful editor of companies now run by his sons in complete harmony, is a man of institutions that has received the consent of millions of Italians. De Benedetti would do well to refrain from such comments, since even Di Maio has learned to respect political opponents. But Di Maio, compared to De Benedetti, is a member of the House of Lords.

The response of Maurizio Gasparri, senator of Forza Italia, is decidedly clearer: “De Benedetti is a real miserable, a scoundrel.” For the president of the Forza Italia senators, Anna Maria Bernini, De Benedetti’s is “an exit that speaks for itself. The virus of envy is obviously stronger than decency.
