They are new again Unieuro PS5: the famous wholesale electronics chain reopens sales for PlayStation 5 before Christmas 2020, announcing Date and Time where it will be possible to make the purchase. but how does it work?
Buying a PS5, given the great success of Sony’s console, is becoming a business and doing it in time for Christmas could become the new challenge for users eager to get hold of the new platform. After Euronics, now PlayStation 5 returns to Unieuro with a limited stock number me available online only.
The promise made by Sony, which signaled the arrival of new PS5 stocks before Christmas 2020, is a reality but buying it may not be that simple (despite the online mode). This is what you need to know.
PS5 Unieuro, sales reopening: date and time
In order not to agglomerate sales and concentrate them in a single day, Unieuro moves one day and sets the arrival of new stocks for PS5 on Friday December 4, 2020. We still do not have precise indications on the schedule but we imagine that, similar to the rest of the chains, the sales will not be open at midnight but on Friday morning, presumably around 10 am.
Pending confirmation, below you will find the direct links to buy:
The sale will be active while stocks last: Euronics has already activated an online queuing system, in the style of what Mediaworld applies, to manage the enormous amount of traffic that reaches the platform, avoiding a possible collapse of electronic commerce. To ensure you have time to purchase a copy, we recommend that you enter the site well in advance (at least an hour ahead) and wait your turn so that you can try to complete your PS5 order.
me Shipping times? You will likely be arriving home for the Christmas holidays or late 2020, given the busy shopping period. More information will be available once orders are completed.