Data on the coronavirus in Italy today, Friday, November 6


In the last 24 hours, 37,809 new positive cases of coronavirus and 446 deaths from COVID-19 have been detected in Italy. There are 26,520 people currently hospitalized (873 more than yesterday), of which 2,515 in intensive care units (124 more than yesterday) and 24,005 hospitalized with symptoms (749 more than yesterday). Have been analyzed 234,245 swabs and warheads 134,566 people. 16.1 percent of the swabs reported were positive. Yesterday 34,505 infections and 445 deaths were registered.

The highest number of new positive cases was detected in Lombardy (9,934). They are followed by Piedmont (4,878), Campania (4,508), Veneto (3,297), Lazio (2,699), Tuscany (2,592) and Emilia-Romagna (1,953).

The provinces with the highest number of cases are Milan (4,296), Turin (2,954), Naples (2,708), Varese (1,124), Monza and Brianza (968), Como (941), Rome (918) , Verona (875).

– Read also: What indicators does the government use to define the red zones?

Today’s main news

  • This afternoon the Council of Ministers is expected to approve more financing for the companies most damaged by the new closings decided to try to control the increase in cases of coronavirus. The Council of Ministers should allocate new funds both for so-called “snacks” and for parental leave and childcare allowances, totaling 1.5-2 billion euros of aid.
  • The third section of the TAR, the regional administrative court of Puglia, based in Bari, suspended the order signed by President Michele Emiliano on October 29 that provided for the interruption of activities in the presence of all schools except those for children . The TAR of Lecce, responding to another appeal, instead gave the opposite opinion, considering that the right to health is “prevalent” over the right to study.
  • The president of Campania Vincenzo De Luca during his usual direct on Facebook said that the government’s decision to divide the country into three different zones based on epidemiological risk is “ineffective”, and that he would have preferred “a single line of rigor for the entire country “. For De Luca a emergency shutdown Nacional “would have helped us to stop the contagion, instead of having a calvary of ordinances, of decrees one every 48 hours that ended up creating confusion among citizens.”
  • Walter Ricciardi, scientific advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and former president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, in the broadcast A day of the sheep On Rai Radio Uno he said that “the hospital situation is more or less dramatic throughout Italy, in some it is even tragic. The system collapses if it is not possible to treat patients who have diseases other than Covid.
