Rise in coronavirus cases in Lombardy. On Sunday, October 18, another 2,975 cases were detected throughout the Region (compared to 30,981 swabs). Between Milan and its interior, another 1,463 people were found positive for the virus who arrived from China.
Intensive care units dedicated to covid patients are under increasing stress. In the last 24 hours there have been another 14 hospitalizations; in all, the resuscitation rooms treat 110 patients. The pressure on the covid departments of health facilities continues to mount: in a single day the number of beds occupied by patients increased by 122 units for a total of 1,065 patients. There are a total of 1,175 people affected by covid-19 in health facilities in the Region.
The long death trail caused by the virus that killed another 21 people in a single day has yet to stop; the (official) total has reached 17,078.
“Citizens can help us too”
“The most worrying thing – said Walter Bergamaschi, general director of the ATS in Milan – is that in the next few hours the number of positive subjects may increase even more and put more and more pressure on hospitals. We will try to strengthen the relationship with family doctors, who have a decisive role in the notification of suspected cases and the follow-up of frail patients. Today more than ever his role can be fundamental, working in a network with the Ats and following their indications ”.
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“Citizens can also do their part – Bergamaschi concluded – respecting the rules for their own good and that of the whole community. Taking care of yourself allows you to protect your loved ones and the community ”.