data for Sunday, December 20


There are 15,104 new positives to Coronavirus registered in Italy in the last 24 hours (yesterday there were 16,308) for a total of 1,953,185 infected since the start of the health emergency. This is clear from today’s bulletin, Sunday December 20, released by the Ministry of Health, on the epidemic situation in our country. On the last day I deaths from covid there were 352, while yesterday there were 553, for a total of 68,799 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. The healed are instead a total of 1,261,626 (+12156). The positive cases are currently 622.76. Of these, 25,158 patients are hospitalized with symptoms and 2,743 in intensive care. In total i tampons carried out in the last 24 hours were 137,420. The tace of positivity is 11%, increasing, compared to yesterdayme. The Region with the most positive daily cases is Veneto, followed by Lombardy and Emilia Romagna.

In total there are 1,953,187 cases of coronavirus in Italy. Below is the table with the figures reported by the Ministry of Health and the data relating to the increases in the last 24 hours, Region by Region:

Lombardy: +1,795

Piedmont: +890

Campania: +891

Veneto: +3,869

Emilia Romagna: +1,751

Lazio: +1.471

Tuscany: +483

Sicily: +792

Liguria: +285

Apulia: +791

March: +372

Abruzzo: +216

Friuli Venezia Giulia: +658

Umbria: +113

PA Bolzano: +246

Sardinia: +311

PA Trento: +108

Calabria: +224

Aosta Valley: +22

Basilicata: +71

Molise: +63
