Dark orange areas Emilia Romagna: restrictions where and when – Chronicle


Bologna, March 1, 2021 – The month of March in Emilia-Romagna begins with some colorful areas of dark orange. It means that there are new restrictions, compared to the rest of the Region which is still ‘only’ orange.

the Main differences worries the closure of all schools and universities (except kindergarten and infant and toddler centers), the suspension of basic sports activities even if outdoors and the prohibition to leave one’s own municipality.

Covid, after Bologna also closes Romagna: this is what changesRomagna in the dark orange zone starting Tuesday: schools will be closed for 15 days

The enhanced area, not far from red, is taken at February 25 and it will be valid until March 11 in ten municipalities from District imolese and in quattro bordering Ravenna province. Specifically, these are the municipalities of Imola, Castel San Pietro, Medicina, Mordano, Castel Guelfo, Dozza, Casalafiumanese, Fontanelice, Borgo Tossignano, Castel del Rio, Bagnara di Romagna, Conselice, Massa Lombarda, Riolo Terme.

the February 27 it was the turn of Bologna, specifically all the municipalities of Ausl Bologna. The dark orange shot up on Saturday, while schools are closed as of today, March 1. The restrictions will last until March 14.

After a meeting between mayors, Ausl and the Region, it was decidedreinforced orange also for all municipalities of Ausl Romagna, excluding the district of Forlì. Therefore we talk about Ravenna provinces, Rimini and gods Municipalities of Cesena. Restriction will start on March 2 me will finish, subject to further extensions, March 17.

The region’s Constraints and Colors approach: what may happen next week


All the rules: what can be done and what changes


Circulation within the municipality itself is prohibited., but also in neighboring municipalities. Travel for work reasons, situations of need or health reasons are an exception.
Therefore, it will not be possible to leave the municipality itself, even if with a population of less than 5,000 inhabitants. There is still the possibility of going to the neighbors only for particular needs, such as for the purchase of products that are not in the municipality itself.

It is always possible to return to your home, domicile or residence. It also allowed the possibility for students to attend face-to-face classes, if applicable, if the school is located in a municipality not included among those subject to restriction: obviously they will be able to go and return.

Read here: when you need self-certification

Family and friends

It is not possible to travel to visit family or friends in other private homes., neither in his own municipality, nor in a neighboring municipality. Situations of need, such as caring for or helping a family member, friend or acquaintance, are an exception.
Transfers are always allowed for medical reasons.. For this it is possible, for example, to transfer the grandparents who have to take care of the grandchildren in Papá.

Second box

It is not possible to go to second homes, except in situations of need. For example, you can come to the second house (even in the same municipality) for maintenance reasons.

Schools and Universities

All schools will remain in distance education at 100% Starting since elementary school in universities. The unfolding will remain In presence of the activities of the educational services 0-3 years and of preschool.

It will be possible to carry out face-to-face activities if the use of workshops is necessary or to maintain the school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs.

Attendance was suspended in the presence of the educational and curricular activities of the Universities and Institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training. Courses for doctors in specialized training, specific training courses in general medicine or the activities of fellows in the health professions can also continue in a face-to-face mode.

Museums and Libraries

I’m discontinued the exhibitions and public opening services of museums and other institutes and places of culture. Libraries remain open and archives, where services are offered with reservation and in compliance with emergency containment measures.


The rules relating to the activity of purchasing goods, services and utilities are those of the orange zone. Therefore, the stores remain open from Monday to Friday.. They close on holidays and days before holidays., if they are located in shopping centers and galleries.
To get to a store or a service not present in your municipality, you can go to the neighboring municipality.

Personal care services

In the orange areas are allowed activities economic of service to the person (hairdresser, cosmetician, etc.), but within its own Municipality.

Bars and restaurants

As in the orange zone, these activities remain closed. They can go on to carry from 5 a.m. Until 10 p.m. M.

All basic sports activities and physical activity in general are suspended, even if carried out outdoors in public and private sports centers and clubs. Near your houseinstead, it is permitted act individually motor activity. However, you must respect the distance of at least one meter from each other and wear the mask. In this case, it is also possible to go for a walk with your child, for example.
Sports activities can also be carried out exclusively outdoors and individually.

All events and competitions organized by sports promotion bodies are suspended. Competitive athletes who must participate in events of preeminent national interest recognized by Coni may continue training.

Public parks

Since physical activity is only allowed near your home, you cannot go to the park or bring your children there.


It is possible to use the bicycle for all permitted movements., respecting the safety distance of one meter. You can also use the bicycle for motor sports or outdoor activities within a distance of two meters, from 5 to 22 meters, although not necessarily close to your home.

Both in the orange and red zones, to carry out a sporting activity that involves moving (for example, running or biking) you can enter another municipality, provided that this movement continues to be functional only to the sporting activity itself and the final destination coincides with the municipality of departure.

Control pad

In the territories affected by the ordinance, the isolation of the confirmed case cannot be interrupted after 21 days from the onset of symptoms, but must continue until a molecular test with a negative result is performed.
