
“When I think of you, the word that comes to mind is love. You always said that everything in life should be done with love, it does not matter the result or the available means but the feeling you put into what you do. “Thus begins the long letter that Daniele mondello wrote for his wife Viviana Parisi and the little one Joel, who disappeared on August 3 to Caronia, in Sicily, and a body was found days later not far from the place of disappearance. The man wanted to deliver the letter exclusively to NewsMediaset on the occasion of 17 wedding anniversary with the 42-year-old DJ, which occurs today, August 30. “Today is not just a day, but our day,” said Daniele in the video broadcast with the most beautiful images of his family.
“We have always shared everything, from music to everyday actions. Together on stage, behind a console, together at home and in the studio to produce. But one day we created our own. most beautiful hit, Joel. Despite the fear of being a father for the first time, he has proven his worth born to be a mother and in those moments we support each other. Then everything was natural and we became inseparable “, recalled Daniele who later returned to the tragedy that hit his family and is still surrounded by mystery.” My loves – continues the letter – now I do not hide from you that I really have a lot fear, because everything that was normal until a few days ago is no longer. I feel that you are by my side and you give me the strength to overcome all this ”. Finally, he addresses his wife directly: “Dear Viviana, on the occasion of our anniversary I have decided to pay this small tribute to you and our son. You’re mine oxygen, My world, my life. It was not easy at all gathering all the material and reviewing those frames, but I wanted to give it a try. I miss you, i love you Everything I have done in life and will do in the future will be for you. I only ask you to continue Give me strength that you are infusing me these days and that you have always given me. With love, Daniele. “
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