“Dangerous Naples”. Fear of the coronavirus, the governor moves the headquarters to Salerno – Libero Quotidiano


He had to be the intrepid sheriff, the slayer of indomitable lovers of nightlife. And instead he ran away as Vittorio Emanuele III and Marshal Pietro Badoglio chose Brindisi for what the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, given the increase in infected with Coronavirus in his hometown of Naples, he took refuge in Salerno. From Luca for several days does not set foot in his study at Palazzo Santa Lucia. He is afraid, say his collaborators, at 71 he is in the risk section and Napoli “is a danger.” And that’s why Salerno chose as a good retirement. He transferred its headquarters in the office installed within the Department of Civil Engineering, where their live social networks begin every week. It has also reduced the number of meetings: only operational meetings but strictly remote.

Campania follows Lombardy: curfew.  In Piedmont crowded by shopping centers

Meanwhile the governor continues issue ordinances. In the wake of Lombardy, the governor also announced a curfew – from next Friday – always from 23 to 5. “We prepare to ask for a curfew the same day. The blocking of all activities and mobility from this weekend on,” he explained. “We wanted to start from the last weekend of October, but let’s go out now. At 11 pm on Friday, everything closes in Campania too, as we have been asked to do in Lombardy as well,” commented De Luca, who nevertheless reopens the elementary schools starting Monday.

Not only that, as of October 23 they will be in Campania travel between provinces is prohibited, except trips related to health, work, proven reasons of a family or school nature or related to training and care activities or other reasons of urgent need, “to contain the risks of contagion related to mobility in the territory”. The ban is aimed at “citizens of Campania”, who will have to prove their needs through self-certification. “In any case, it is allowed – says the ordinance – to return to the residence or habitual residence.
